10-22-2009, 03:00 AM
(10-20-2009, 06:37 AM)S0rath 0f the Black Sun Wrote: That's some pretty mean meds you took. How'd you deal with the side effects? How did it affect your daily living and relations with other people?
Is your bipolar condition still a standing diagnosis for you?
I'm a bit curious as to what that lung condition may be.
Let me first say, that I was prescribed the Valium and Methadone initially, but Bupranorphine, much later down the line, but that the other things I mentioned,
apart from Dihydrocodeine, which I did get prescribed, but not that often, were taken occasionally, on a recreational type of basis.
There were also some other things that I didn't mention, that I used to take as well, on a pretty regular basis.
I can't really say I had any side effects as such, apart from when I began taking Valium, which was the thing that I took the longest of them all,
apart from Methadone, both for a few years, when I used to fall asleep in the oddest of positions, like face flat down on the PC keyboard for example,
with a cigarette one time that melted the F key I think it was, or face flat down in a pile of Zip disks or whatever, that left an indentation or two, in my cheek....;)
I got on with others just fine, but I did have a pretty serious 'episode' at one time, over the course of a few months maybe, in 2005,
when my brother went off, to work on a movie in LA, for a few years, when I more or less went bananas, living in his house alone. - Pause.
[in fact, he still lives there now, is working on other movies, has a baby with his g/f, and they are getting married in a few weeks time.
- I would love to go to his wedding, but the thought of, not so much the journey, but all of the preparation beforehand, is a little too intimidating for me right now].
This resulted, with mental health and social workers, accompanied by the police, coming along one fine day, to 'rescue' me from whatever madness I was experiencing,
and they took me to a hospital for a few months, until I went to 'Bedlam', where I eventually was sent, for this brutally rapid 2 week detox,
which was not really the nicest of experiences, mainly because the other patients there at the time were pretty unpleasant types.
I wonder if you are familar with the word Bedlam?
The common dictionary description for Bedlam, is usually:
'A state of extreme confusion and disorder'.
Well, that word, is derived from the name of the hospital, where I underwent this detox.
It's history is somewhat interesting and in brief,
it's not actually called Bedlam, but The Bethlem Royal Hospital.
'Although the hospital is now at the forefront of humane psychiatric treatment, but for much of its history, it was notorious for cruelty and inhumane treatment.' - Wikipedia.
Also from Wikipedia - but slightly edited.
It was a part of London since 1247, but at first, a religious priory from where it took its name, it became a hospital in 1330, and admitted some mentally ill patients in 1357.
Early 16th century maps show Bedlam, as a courtyard with a few stone buildings, a church and a garden.
Conditions were consistently dreadful, and the care amounted to little more than restraint.
There were 31 patients and the noise was "so hideous, so great; that they are more able to drive a man that hath his wits rather out of them."
Violent or dangerous patients were manacled and chained to the floor or wall. Some were allowed to leave, and licensed to beg.
In 1598 an inspection showed neglect and there were 20 patients there, one of whom had been there over 25 years.
Sorry about that, but I thought that you may find it interesting.
My condition, as such, I'm not sure. I did receive a letter from the doctor a few days ago, an automated type of thing really,
saying that I have not undergone any sort of mental health review for some time now.
I suppoose I might make an appointment to see them, but I feel quite alright now.
One thing though, if I had my way, is that I would like to maybe get back onto some of those meds, particularly Valium, but I wouldn't say no,
to Dihydrocodeine either, as I did used to like that. The problem is, that being Benzodiazepine/ior semi-synthetic opioid analgesic based,
the doctors are not that keen in giving it out at all, as they are very addictive, but I told them I didn't mind that, but nah,
there's no go on that it seems. I was toying with the idea of online pharmacies and all, but I don't know.
The lung condition, dates back many years, when I had one collapse at one time, but later, I was really ill one time around 1996, with Pneumonia,
which sort of recurred sometime around 2000, both times, in freezing cold winter. I also had Emphysema as well, and now have an chronic lung infection called COPD, that's all.
Sorry about this, I hope I'm not sounding like a dead man walking or anything like that, as I'm not that bad really, but ought to try to cease the smoking cigarettes, but find it too hard at the moment.
Anyhow, I think that I should stop there, and my apologies for going on so much about it, but when you get caught in a sort of writing loop, it's hard to break out of it.
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance - Confucius