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Any tuts on how to install cpanel?
Dose any one know were I could get a good tut on how to install cpanel? Thanks.

here is perfect way of installing Cpanel-

Quote:you can install Cpanel. Please refer the below steps to install the Cpanel :

Please make sure you are logged in as root

To begin your installation, use the following commands:

1. Open the /home directory by typing the command cd /home

2. Fetch the latest installation file from the cPanel servers by typing the command

wget -N

3. Open and run the installation files by typing the command

sh latest

If licensing has failed (due to a strict firewall or changed IP), execute the following command to activate your license:

* /usr/local/cpanel/cpkeyclt

Note: For FreeBSD, you need to download and untar the latest installer package from www.

I will try this thanks man!!!

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