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BigBadSoft here!
You may know me from HackForums!
I loved Hackforums, and I recently found out that Omniscient has this forum to so I figured I would check it out.

This is me ^.^
I'm 16, My name is Trevor, I live in USA but I'm originally from Estonia.
I plan on joining the Marine Corps straight out of High School.
I recently moved from Louisville, Kentucky to Indiana because of custody battles, (which is normal).
Before I moved I was on my High School Drill Team, which was 11 years and running national champions.
I still enjoy drill on my own time.
Other things I enjoy doing are,
listening to music, playing my guitar, running ex bawkz loave, spending the best and most wonderful time with my fiance, whos name is Autumn.
If you want to contact me outside of SF, you can add my MSN, Skype, or PM me on HF.
Hackforums User: BigBadSoft.
Thanks for reading
Welcome, BigBadSoft. You're gonna love it here. Be sure to review the rules if you haven't already.

Happy posting.
[Image: csx47jm4kbi80w88ajnf.png]
Impressive intro. You've got my attention. Smile

Can you tell us what age you moved from Estonia? Curious about your personal experience and comparison.
Superman I am here to rescue you.
This is Support Forums not Support PMs.  Do not PM me for support unless it's private and site related.
'running ex bawkz loave' made me lol.

Welcome to Support Forums Big Grin
(11-28-2010, 02:03 PM)Omniscient Wrote: Impressive intro. You've got my attention. Smile

Can you tell us what age you moved from Estonia? Curious about your personal experience and comparison.

I love you OMNI!
Well I was 12 when I first moved from Estonia,( I'm going to call it Eesti, "what people in Estonia call Estonia" ) to the United States, I learned little English when I was in Eesti, so English was very heard for me to learn. When I first moved here I was scared because my friends told me it was a horrible place, full of terrorist and killers. (Which it is not)
I love it here in America, but I will always miss Eesti, even though I visit my grandparents every summer.

I would also like to say that If I had a choice, I would rather bring everyone I knew here, instead of living in Eesti, because here, we have so many more things to do, and my parents were very strict in Eesti.

The reason we moved is because there was a civil war starting (again), and we didn't want to be part of it.

I also first joined HF when I heard about it from a friend,
known as xcvxcv2 on HF, I've known him since I start RSPS, and we had our own server. He is like a best friend to me, no, a brother. Even though he lives in a totally different state, and I've never felt more at home with the HF community, when I was banned I learned that HF was my home, and everyone on the site are my brothers and sisters.
So I cleaned my post up, stopped trolling, and am now trying to save up for l33t, I also joined Support Forums, because I saw Support Feathers on HF people, and thought it would help me keep on track, so I didn't lose everything, but now I know that I will make myself at home here.

No matter how much hell Prone, and other trolls put me through, I will always be on HF and SF, if anyone actually reads it all the way down to here thanks for reading, BigBadSoft.

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