ISSUE FIXED: Phew, I can't believe I randomly stumbled upon the answer. While looking to see what a recommended thread display count was for a plugin I recently downloaded, I found they posted a critical update that fixed a problem with their plugin that caused some posts to get "stuffed." When I read that I knew that was it, and sure enough it was, and my problem is now fixed.
-------------------------- ORIGINAL COMPLAINT ------------------------------
I have a really nasty bug that has emerged relatively recently on my own MyBB forums, that's causing some real headaches.
It seems that the first post of every thread (and only the first post) acts as if it requires HTML for proper spacing.
If you write three lines like this:
Hello #1
Hello #2
Hello #3
It shows up like this:
Hello#1 Hello #2 Hello #3
This can be resolved by using html code to break the lines, but obviously I don't allow HTML to my forum users.
Another peculiarity, is that even when you go back into edit and fix the spacing (without using html), and save it... it will appear as if it is fixed, until you refresh the page at which point it breaks again.
Possible causes: This has only become a problem relatively recently, and started occurring around the same time I installed an HTML permissions plugin to give only myself HTML access. I don't think anyone else has had trouble with the plugin, and disabling it doesn't seem to solve the problem, so that might be a red herring.
The fact that it also only occurs for the first post (a new thread basically) makes me think it has something to do with HTML not being closed somewhere outside of the page, which causes it to somehow think it needs HTML on the first post, since I guess that sucks in information when you make a new post? Whereas a thread reply is constrained and can't be contaminated.
I tried to sort of cheat the system to see if this might be it, by adding a closed html tag as the very first line of the new post (with my html enabled), and that didn't solve it so I'm not sure if it is an open tag issue or not, or how to even go about fixing that if it is.
I just ran the forums through validation and it seems to have a ton of errors (30+) with unclosed tags. However, I noticed this when the theme was first installed and was working perfectly fine for a while and it's a fairly popular theme so I never found need to do anything.
How can I go about resolving those errors, or more accurately, what are the ones that are probably most likely related to this issue that I should fix right away? And how do I do that? (if that is indeed the culprit) I'm slowly going through the ones I know how to get to now, but I don't know how to access all of them.
-------------------------- ORIGINAL COMPLAINT ------------------------------
I have a really nasty bug that has emerged relatively recently on my own MyBB forums, that's causing some real headaches.
It seems that the first post of every thread (and only the first post) acts as if it requires HTML for proper spacing.
If you write three lines like this:
Hello #1
Hello #2
Hello #3
It shows up like this:
Hello#1 Hello #2 Hello #3
This can be resolved by using html code to break the lines, but obviously I don't allow HTML to my forum users.
Another peculiarity, is that even when you go back into edit and fix the spacing (without using html), and save it... it will appear as if it is fixed, until you refresh the page at which point it breaks again.
Possible causes: This has only become a problem relatively recently, and started occurring around the same time I installed an HTML permissions plugin to give only myself HTML access. I don't think anyone else has had trouble with the plugin, and disabling it doesn't seem to solve the problem, so that might be a red herring.
The fact that it also only occurs for the first post (a new thread basically) makes me think it has something to do with HTML not being closed somewhere outside of the page, which causes it to somehow think it needs HTML on the first post, since I guess that sucks in information when you make a new post? Whereas a thread reply is constrained and can't be contaminated.
I tried to sort of cheat the system to see if this might be it, by adding a closed html tag as the very first line of the new post (with my html enabled), and that didn't solve it so I'm not sure if it is an open tag issue or not, or how to even go about fixing that if it is.
I just ran the forums through validation and it seems to have a ton of errors (30+) with unclosed tags. However, I noticed this when the theme was first installed and was working perfectly fine for a while and it's a fairly popular theme so I never found need to do anything.
How can I go about resolving those errors, or more accurately, what are the ones that are probably most likely related to this issue that I should fix right away? And how do I do that? (if that is indeed the culprit) I'm slowly going through the ones I know how to get to now, but I don't know how to access all of them.