11-08-2009, 08:59 AM
Credits and Source: http://www.roscripts.com/
Name: Calculate distance between 2 geographical points
Description: This simple function will return the distance in Km or Miles between 2 points given their latitude/longitude in degrees.
Thankyou for reading. Be happy always
Name: Calculate distance between 2 geographical points
Description: This simple function will return the distance in Km or Miles between 2 points given their latitude/longitude in degrees.
PHP Code:
function getDistance($a_lat,$a_lng,$b_lat,$b_lng,$mi=false){
var $radius;
($mi ? $radius=10253 : $radius=6371);
$a_lat = deg2rad($a_lat);
$a_lng = deg2rad($a_lng);
$b_lat = deg2rad($b_lat);
$b_lng = deg2rad($b_lng);
if($a_lat==$b_lat && $a_lng==$b_lng) return 0;
if ((sin($b_lat)*sin($a_lat ) + cos($b_lat)*cos($a_lat )*cos($b_lng-$a_lng))>1)
return $radius * acos(1));
return $radius * acos(sin($b_lat)*sin($a_lat)+cos($b_lat)*cos($a_lat)*cos($b_lng-$a_lng)));
Thankyou for reading. Be happy always