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[TUT] How to Jailbreak the iPod Touch 1G/2G and the iPhone 1G using 3.0 Firmware
Hello SF, this is a tutorial on how to Jailbreak your iPod Touch 1G/2G. This method will not work on an iPhone 2G or 3G, however, it will work with an iPhone 1G. There are separate tutorials for those devices and it might be posted in this thread.

This Jailbreak method uses the 3.0 firmware (OS or software), meaning that you will not be able to use it on the older firmwares such as 1.x, 2.2.x or 3.1.2, which is the newest version so far. Remember, you absolutely MUST be using a first or second generation iPod Touch, or a first generation iPhone.

First thing is first, you will need to download the Jailbreaking tool, "redsn0w." You can get it from the following links:




redsn0w is the program that will be used to do the actual jailbreaking part of the iPod Touch.

Second, you must have the 3.0 firmware, not 2.2.1, not 3.1.2, it must be 3.0. Posting the link to the firmware would probably be considered as warez, considering it is not free. If you already have the 3.0 OS, then that's great.

Let's move on to the tutorial.

We're going to have to take some precautions. Some people have trouble jailbreaking their iDevice without restoring to the original firmware, meaning they tried to jailbreak it with existing applications, songs, other files, etc. Some people have no problem with it and it works great! So, for example, if you're on 3.0 firmware already, just hit the "Restore" button, this will restore it to the original factory settings. Don't try to upgrade or downgrade firmwares with a jailbroken device until you have restored it to factory settings!

WARNING: DO NOT UPGRADE WHILE YOUR iPOD IS JAILBROKEN. If iTunes offers you to download and install 3.1.2, do not download/install it. You're just going to wind yourself into a iPod restore error like I did. I'm guessing this an attempt for Apple to brick your iDevice, because obviously, 3.0-.3.1.2 is not free. The solution will be posted in the Q&A section towards the bottom of the thread.

First thing is first, make sure you're on the factory settings and you are actually using the 3.0 firmware. If you're not certainly sure or you want to play it safe, go to Settings > General > About in your iDevice.

[Image: 2ufpqgi.png] [Image: 4jxa8p.png]

Once that's verified, you want to go to the folder where you saved redsn0w. If you're running Windows Vista or Windows 7, make sure you Run it as an administrator.

[Image: el8jtw.png]

This screen will pop up. Basically, it just wants to verify the firmware (.ipsw) that you're using on your iPod. In this case, it's 3.0. Click the "Browse" button. It will automatically take you to the software folder by default.

[Image: 98r6ms.png]

I have a multiple amount just for the sake of this tutorial, but you need to open the 3.0 .ipsw, which is probably the only one for you.

[Image: 2qar2gk.png]

Once you find it, open it. It willy take a couple of seconds to verify.

[Image: 10dryfm.png]

After that, hit the "Next >" button. It will take you to a screen that will load some patches and other stuff.

[Image: jpaf50.png]

Hit the "Next >" button after it has completed. Now, on this screen, you have the choice to install Cydia and/or Icy. They're both relatively the same, but I'm going to choose Cydia because I'm more familiar with it. Cydia is great overall, a little slower than Icy. Icy is faster and more "lite." You can choose both just in-case. Basically, with these applications, you can manage your sources and download a variety of different things.

[Image: 24v7fgg.png]

After you've decided which one(s) you want, hit "Next >." In this next screen, make sure your iPod is connected to your computer and it's also OFF. If it's not connected to the computer, just connect it and then turn it off.

[Image: 29nffxc.png]

Now, before hitting next, just be aware that you'll need to perform three steps in a timely manner. You are going to put your iPod in DFU mode for the process to continue. This is really easy, and if you mess up, you can always go back by hitting the back button.

[Image: 33wv7n8.png]

After you've set your iPod in DFU mode, redsn0w will pick up on from here. Just wait for it to finish.

[Image: e6d6xd.png]

You're almost done! Once it finishes loading whatever is necessary, you'll get this screen:

[Image: 34gq1dx.png]

Now look over to your iPod. If everything is going well, it should be downloading whatever is necessary for the jailbreak. Once it's finished, it will begin to install everything.

[Image: 5x9buw.png]

It will reboot once it is done. Congratulations, your iPod is officially jailbroken! But wait, what about Cydia? Well, what you have to do in order to use Cydia, is update it. Go to the second page of your iPod's interface.

[Image: 2ywy53d.png]

Press on Cydia. If you're not already connected to your Wifi, then a box will appear asking for your Wifi name and password, if you have one. Go ahead and enable wifi. Once you do, Cydia will say "Reorganizing - Will Automatically Close When Done."

[Image: 2gt4579.png]

It will reorganize and close. Open Cydia again. When it opens, it will pop up a box saying, "Who Are You?" I picked "User (Graphical Only)" because all of the other categories don't really fit me.

[Image: 10i7wat.png]

Once you've chosen one, it will begin to perform some updates, just let it be. If Cydia closes, just open it again. It'll then ask you if you want to upgrade, which I recommend. Click on "Complete Upgrade."

[Image: 126elab.png]

It will take you to a different screen showing you the information of the file. Just hit "Confirm." This will just download and install it. If you have slow internet speed, it might take a while to download. When it's done, press on the "Restart Cydia" button.

And voila! You jailbroke and updated Cydia on your iDevice 1G/2G successfully!


Q: Why don't I just upgrade to the latest firmware, 3.1.2? I heard it's much much easier to jailbreak!
A: Although it's much either to jailbreak, using blackra1n is a "tethered' jailbreak, meaning, if you ever shut off your iPod, you're going to have to re-jailbreak it again. Sounds scrutinizing, but no, it's seriously just one button you click.

Q: Will I need wifi to jailbreak my device?
A: No, not necessarily. You will however, need wifi to update Cydia and download stuff.

Q: My iPod is getting restore errors when I click the "Restore" button, what do I do?
A: You're going to have to put your iPod in DFU mode. Completely shut off your iPod. Hold the corner button for at least 3 seconds, then hit the home button for at least 10 seconds. Once you see a picture of a metallic apple, let go of the corner button BUT continue to hold the home button for another 30 seconds. Your iPod should be set in DFU mode. Depending on your error number, this solution may not work, but works most of the time.

Q: My iPod froze, what do I do?
A: So your iPod froze for whatever reason. This is an easy fix, you'll need to do a "hard" reset. Just hold the corner button and the home button at the same time for at least 10-30 seconds. It should shut off. Once it's off, you can proceed to turn it back on.

Q: Is jailbreaking your iPod illegal?
A: Absolutely not. Apple looks down upon it, but it's not illegal. You paid the amount for your iDevice, it's yours, you can do whatever you'd like with it.

Q: What does 3.1.2 have to offer anyway?
Minor bug fixes.

Q: When I click on "Browse" to locate my .ipsw file, I'm in the wrong folder.
A: It is located in this directory for:

Windows XP:
iTouch: C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPod Software Updates
iPhone: C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates

Windows Vista or Windows 7:
iTouch: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPod Software Updates
iPhone: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates

iTouch: ~/Library/iTunes/iPod Software Updates
iPhone: ~/Library/iTunes/iPhone Software Updates

Linux: If someone would like to give me this information, that would be nice.

Q: Is downloading and installing copyrighted applications illegal?
A: Yes, of course. It is possible on your iPod, but I'm not going promoting it. Do whatever you like.

Q: Is Cydia illegal?
A: No. Cydia is intentionally made for programmers, coders, etc to share their work with other individuals by using different sources. Be aware that sources can sometimes contain illegal things.

Q: I only installed Cydia, but now I want to also install Icy.
A: You can get Icy from Cydia. Just add this source: - Once it's done adding the source, return to Cydia and search for "Icy." If you're confused on which one, it's the one with the icon of a box. Click on it, install and confirm it.
Awesome, this really helps, thanks man
AWESOME tutorial, only problem... the latest firmware is 3.1.2. Black rain is the latest jailbreak as well (someone said black snow but I haven't checked yet)
Oh, really? Ok i'll try and download black rain/snow soon.
I recently used black ra1n to jailbreak my new iPhone. It's very easy to use.

I didn't read the tutorial, so sorry if you've said this, but be sure to get Cydia and Installous after you jailbreak it. You now have all the apps you'll ever need.
[Image: MreGSXsigcopy.png]

Great tutorial! I don't have an IPod but people come to me asking to fix theirs so this will help.
When I go on iTunes it doesnt let me get 3.0 only the latest one
Very NICE tutorial dude, well done. I also don't have iPod but hope this help others.
Thanks a lot guys, sorry I've been inactive, but to answer your questions,


Yes, blackra1n is the easiest way to jailbreak an iPod if and only if it is 3.1.2. Not sure if you can do it with 3.0, even if it's possible, blackra1n is a tethered jailbreak, meaning if your iPod dies, or some how shuts off, you'll have to plug it into the computer via the syncing cord and you may have to re jailbreak it once again. Also, it is possible to downgrade to the 3.0 firmware, you'll just need to download it.

Plan B:

I'm sorry I was unable to give you the link for the 3.0 firmware, because it cost money and doing so would be posting "warez" on the forum which I'm not aloud to do. My advice to you is to search for the 3.0 ipsw for your specific iPod and download it


Yeah, the Jailbreak process comes with the option to install Cydia. It does not install "Installous" though. You'll have to add the source and download it from Cydia.
[Image: fixedt.png]

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