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Youtube plugin not working (proxy)
I have run a proxy for about a year now, for use at school.

Today I noticed the youtube plugin was not wokring and the video was just not loading.

I tried updating the plugin to the latest version I could find (released early this year) and its not working either! I am just being presented with the file (in text) under an encoded URL.

The proxy script is Glype 1.1, and the the plugin I'm using consist of flowplayer and this file:
* Plugin: FlowTube
* Description:
*    Replaces the YouTube player with FlowPlayer, which loads
*    the original FLV file directly.
* Author: kronflux

// Increase timeout to 60 minutes
$toSet[CURLOPT_TIMEOUT] = 7200;

// Strip javascript to stop existing javascript from intefering
// $options['stripJS'] = false;
// Currently not needed, but if problems arise, just uncomment it and see if that helps.

// Pre-parsing applied BEFORE main proxy parser
function preParse($input, $type)
switch ($type)
case 'html':

// Look for video ID and record it
if (preg_match('#pageVideoId\s\=\s\'(.{11})\'#', $input, $videoId))
define('VIDEO_ID', $videoId[1]);

// Look for T-value. Purpose unknown but seems to be required. Maybe a token
// to complicate downloading FLV files?
if (preg_match('#\"t\"\:\s"(.*)"#', $input, $tValue))
define('T_VALUE', $tValue[1]);
// Remove noscript message
$input = preg_replace('#\<noscript\>Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe.*?\<\/noscript\>#s', '', $input, 1);
$input = preg_replace('#var\sfo\s\=\swriteMoviePlayer\(\"watch-player-div\", false, null, null, \"100%\", \"100%\"\)\;#', '', $input, 1);
$input = preg_replace('#document.write\(\'Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe.*?\<\/a\>.\'\)\;#s', '', $input, 1);


return $input;


// Post-parsing applied AFTER main proxy parser.
function postParse($input, $type)
switch ($type)
// Apply changes to HTML documents
case 'html':

// Check we have a video to show and if not, return unchanged
if ( ! defined('VIDEO_ID') || ! defined('T_VALUE') )
return $input;

// Create URL to mediaplayer
$flowPlayerUrl = GLYPE_URL . '/plugins/flowplayer-3.1.1.swf';

// Generate URL to flv file and preview image through proxy script
$flvUrl = rawurlencode(proxifyURL(sprintf('', VIDEO_ID, T_VALUE)));
$imgUrl = rawurlencode(proxifyURL(sprintf('', VIDEO_ID)));

// Generate HTML for the flash object with our new FLV URL
$html = <<<OUT
<embed src="{$flowPlayerUrl}"
flashvars="id=player&config={'playlist':['$flvUrl']}&width=620&height=380&type=video&fullscreen=true&volume=100&file={$flvUrl}&image={$imgUrl}" />

// Add our own player into the player div
$input = preg_replace('#<div id="watch-noplayer-div">#', '<div id="watch-noplayer-div">' . $html, $input, 1);
$input = preg_replace('#', '' . $flowPlayerUrl . '', $input, 1);
$input = preg_replace('#', '' . $flowPlayerUrl . '', $input, 1);


return $input;

Anyone else have any experience with this problem, or Glype in general?

Your welcome to take a look at the problem if you want, the URl is
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