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[Allowed?] Asking for Donation
I want to check to make sure that me asking for donations is allowed? I'm not going to spam and will only make 1 thread. I'm moving to Oregon and am having a lot of trouble getting anything even though I'm trying.

I've checked the rules, but I may have missed this one. So if someone could give me a definite answer or a quote from the rules, please do so Smile thank you.
We all have things we want to say, but not publicly. We all need help with them at one point. If you want a private conversation or seek private help, send me a PM.
Ask omniscient or a mod via pm.
Would have been easier than creating a thread. Smile
[Image: burninglove4.png]
Yeah I probably should've done that... hopefully a mod will answer and close this soon. Tongue
We all have things we want to say, but not publicly. We all need help with them at one point. If you want a private conversation or seek private help, send me a PM.
In his other forum (Hackforums) donation is not allowed. Idk about here.
As long as you don't spam or mass PM our members then I don't see a problem with you posting a thread asking for donations. SF is a totally different environment to that of HF, which is why asking for donations is prohibited over there. Over here at SF things are looked upon with a bit more generosity, but please be aware that if things get a bit sour, your thread will be closed without prior warning.

This does not mean everybody can now start posting a thread asking for donations. If this starts an influx of such threads, they will be dealt with accordingly.

[Image: 3326yvl.jpg]

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