URL: http://cruvenium.com
Cruvenium offers premium web automation software at affordable prices! Never again will you have to pay hundreds of dollars + even more for updates every 6-12 months. At Cruvenium we offer useful tools for as low as $5 with free updates + customer support for life!
Some of our products include:
-- TrafficDemon, an advanced website traffic generator
-- CloudDemon, a SoundCloud Plays increaser
-- YouTube Rank Tracker, a simple software for tracking the ranking of unlimited video's rankings in Youtube search
-- Easy Link Checker, a bulk backlink checking tool
-- Social Signals Checker, an easy solution to checking the social signal count for unlimited URLs
-- KeywordPirate, an extra fast keyword scraper that supports 6 major search engines
We're always more than happy to hear any ideas/suggestions for improving our products, be it from a customer or just someone interested. Contact us anytime!
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