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Need some relationship advice (pictures of convo)
Me and her have been on and off for around a year now. We've had a few issues and it's caused me to have a few trust issues so I took a peek at her Facebook (which I know is wrong) the other day and it turns out I was right. I live on the other side of my city and It's quite hard for her to get up to my house so I go down to hers. So I hardly get to see her. But this guy (let's call him Mr X) has been sending her these messages below.

[Image: FsoBX.jpg]
[Image: rLVlt.jpg]

I don't have a problem with anyone she speaks to or any guys she speaks to (I don't get jealous when she speaks to other guys) but when he's saying stuff like that to her it's ringing alarm bells in my head. I've asked her about him before and she said he's just a close friend and he's known her for years since she was like 5. So I just dropped it at that. I am now stuck in a situation where I don't want to risk bringing it up because she doesn't know I know he's been saying this but I just can't seem to forget about it. Everything else in the relationship is perfect besides this one guy! He's really annoying me I think he is cunningly trying to get her to be his girlfriend and rather she doesn't see it or she does.

I need some advice on what to do it's really bugging me thinking about it :\. I don't know weather he is just a friend and I'm been paranoid or he's trying to do something?

Sorry for the long read.

tl;dr: Going out with girl, she's talking to this guy on facebook and I think he's trying to be her boyfriend. What do?
Beat his ass. haha. That girl either likes him, or just respects him.. Talk to her about it.
Hi Skudge

It must be hard to have a relationship with someone you are not able to see very much and this alone can cause a strain on any relationship.
You say that you have some trust issues which again can cause a great deal of stress.
You really need to bring this up when speaking to her because else it will just eat away at you and cause more problems in your relationship ,you say you have been on and off for the last year ,what were the reasons for breaking up in the past year.

You are going to have to bring this guy up in convo and take it from there

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