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I'm kind of scared...
If you live nearby me, ill help you.
Trust me, it's easier if you just fight him even though he might win, it will get you street rep for not backing down. I backed out on a fight once because i knew if i won i'd get jumped afterwards or if i lost i'd get fudged up beyond belief. Just make sure you got some friends to back you up during the fight.
I suggest going their and trying. Even if you don't win, you'll still man up if you get your ass kicked.
Pussy,go and face it alone!
Loll becarefull about police Smile
[Image: 0b0033.gif]
Does he go to your school? If so, tell someone. Don't be afraid. It's much safer for you, and if he persists to bully you after, tell your parents.

Fighting him will not help you, but if you do go to the fight, good luck. Also, just show him that you don't care that he is bothering you and eventually, it'll die down.
get a bigger friend to back you up and kick the crap outta him
watch boxing tutorial in youtube
It'll help you even if it's a little bit. never take a big swing. Jab, jab, and jab. Do anything to win! It's street fight so you can do whatever you want.

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