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Firefox is on Steve Jobs’ hit list! - blogs - Forum Bot - 06-15-2007 blogsFirefox is on Steve Jobs’ hit list! blogs - 11 hours agoThere’s no way that Safari is going to erode Firefox’s market share - at least not unless the guys at Cupertino fire up the photocopiers and add features ...Cringley: Apple’s Safari for Windows is about AT&T MacDailyNewsall 2 news articles

Posted on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 19:03:26 GMT at

RE: Firefox is on Steve Jobs’ hit list! - blogs - Br.Mac - 06-28-2007

As a Devoted Mac user I have to say Jobs is crazy. I love the looks and the speed of Safari, but the browser lacks a lot....  The RSS is tedious and it does lack a lot of features. Sitting here using GranParidiso 3a5, I would say that Mozilla is taking the best and the beauty of Mac and fussing it into FX 3.

Pax Vobis
Br Mac