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vBulletin help - Printable Version

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vBulletin help - Irion - 07-15-2010

Hello SF members.

Well, created my own forum a few days back, using vBulletin 4.0.4, and I can't do what I want.

I'd like it to be 100% private (like HackForums for example Yeye). In the admincp, I can make set it up so non-registered visitors can't see the threads & posts. But what I'd like it to have is when a non-registered visitor comes along, the registration page comes up everytime he tries to read a thread.

I'm using a hack for the moment that loads the registration page every 45 secondes. But I don't like that too much either because when the user tries to register, he only has 45 sec to do so, otherwise page will refresh.

Any solutions ?

RE: vBulletin help - Eve - 07-15-2010

By default, vBulletin does not have this feature. This mod stops visitors from viewing threads, with a reminder message.

RE: vBulletin help - Irion - 07-15-2010

True. This is nice. But I'm using a nulled version. I'll try to find it else where.

RE: vBulletin help - Irion - 07-15-2010

Well, I hold of it, and it's really really perfect ! Now visitors can only read 1 thread, then they'll need to regster.

Thanks for showing my this mod =)

RE: vBulletin help - Eve - 07-15-2010

You're welcome. Smile Good luck with your forum.