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SMNN Forums Background... - Printable Version

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SMNN Forums Background... - Shane - 07-09-2010

Please stop trying to stalk me, thank you. 

RE: SMNN Forums Background... - bkotz - 07-09-2010

dead link
just keeps searching and searching

RE: SMNN Forums Background... - Яichie - 07-09-2010

You just stole it from this site... Cute.

RE: SMNN Forums Background... - bkotz - 07-09-2010

the background is just white 4 me
dont know if its supposed 2 be (i hope not O_O)

RE: SMNN Forums Background... - Shane - 07-10-2010

Here the link again

RE: SMNN Forums Background... - Eve - 07-10-2010

We have to register to see threads. Why didn't you just post your forum url?

You originally removed Jay's copyright from the footer. Now the font colour is too light to read. Change it to black.

RE: SMNN Forums Background... - 6010fd12 - 07-10-2010

The BG is just white for me =[

RE: SMNN Forums Background... - bkotz - 07-10-2010

yea its still white 4 me also

if thats the real color of it then its really ugly

imo white backgrounds nvr look good

RE: SMNN Forums Background... - Eve - 07-10-2010

The background is dark grey.