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[Game] Let's Play 4 Truths and a Lie - Printable Version

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[Game] Let's Play 4 Truths and a Lie - TheOverAnalyzer_808 - 06-07-2010

For those of you who are not familiar with the game here is how it is played.

Post 4 truths (facts) about yourself and 1 Lie (fib) in any order. Then others will guess yours and view the "spoiler" to see if they were correct. Followed by their 4Truth and 1Lie.

Post #1

I am an optimist
I've heard humpbacks singing firsthand
I hate school
I don't have friends
When I see a car coming as I approach the crosswalk I pretend I am not going to cross until the car passes

Post #2

Enters guess then checks spoiler to see if (s)he got it correct (along with any other comments)

Then they Post their 4Truths and 1Lie and along with the spoiler at the end for the next person... I hope that was simple enough so play with me =]
Let's Begin =3

For volleyball I made varsity my freshman year
I ate a piece of dog food
A firecracker blew up while i was holding it
I am a religious individual who goes to church frequently
I walked 7 miles because I was upset

RE: [Game] Let's Play 4 Truths and a Lie - Pokémon - 06-08-2010

You realize the "F" word filters to fudge right?

I have eleven toes.
I live in the USA.
I can count to twelve.
I like Digimon more than Pokemon.
The square root of four is two.

RE: [Game] Let's Play 4 Truths and a Lie - JDBar - 06-08-2010

  • At the peak of my Guitar Hero career, I was ranked in the top 200 on Scorehero.
  • I've been designing graphics for 5 years.
  • I've only dated one girl in my entire life, and I'm still with her after 4 years.
  • My all-time favorite PC game is Star Wars Battlefront II.
  • I can type the alphabet backwards (zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba) in less than 3 seconds.

RE: [Game] Let's Play 4 Truths and a Lie - TheOverAnalyzer_808 - 06-08-2010

@Pokemon: I have yet to meet someone with an extra toe =] is that the lie? (The process of elimination is a wonderful thing).
Comments: I like SF filtering =]

@JDBar: I would be amazed if you could really type the alphabet backwards that fast. I think that is the lie.
Comments: That was a shocker I would have never guessed that!

RE: [Game] Let's Play 4 Truths and a Lie - Cannabis - 06-09-2010

I'm 15
I'm male
I'm white
I'm a soccer player.

RE: [Game] Let's Play 4 Truths and a Lie - TheOverAnalyzer_808 - 06-09-2010

(06-09-2010, 08:30 AM)0wnall Wrote: I'm 15
I'm male
I'm white
I'm a soccer player.

I say the lie is that you play soccer?

RE: [Game] Let's Play 4 Truths and a Lie - alfonzo1955 - 06-18-2010

I am asian.
I don't play piano.
I caused my school $400 in damages.
I have a dog.
I don't have anyone in this world that I can trust.