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Introductions? - Printable Version

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Introductions? - TheOverAnalyzer_808 - 06-07-2010

Big Grin Well I should start off by telling you a little about myself. First, my name is James and I live on the island of Maui, HI. I have never stepped foot on land outside of the state of Hawaii and have yet to explore the world, so I make do with all the adventures provided here.

I have a burning passion for poetry, photography, exploring, learning and law (find the odd one out x3). I am 18 year old prospective law student. I have many pet peeves and no phobias (that I know about). I enjoy ghost hunting, and spending time with a small group of people (big groups make me feel uneasy).

Oh and the last thing I should point out is that this is my first time registering on a Forum site. So there you go. Now you know a few things about me. Yeye

Tell me about you =].

RE: Introductions? - Eve - 06-07-2010

Welcome to Support Forums, James. Thanks for a great introduction.

This forum was founded in October 2009 and we are appreciative of newcomers who make quality posts like you just did. Our administrator is experienced with managing forums and this is one of many communities he nurtures. The variety of topics here include computer graphics, gaming, security, coding and OS; webmaster interests; and personal support.

You can refer to the Help Documents for forum actions, and the sticky threads in Introductions for more site information.

Enjoy yourself.

RE: Introductions? - TheOverAnalyzer_808 - 06-07-2010

Thank you eve for a very warm welcome and compliment along with some general information about what is as well as what it has to offer. I just joined yesterday (or perhaps the day before that) and I am still getting use to all the functions. I am hoping to use all assets of this forum, but I tend to stay in the personal support considering I know limited information about most of the other topics. I will continue to browse all topics, however, to get a general idea of the knowledge made so readily available =].

Again thank you very much for such a pleasant welcome and no worries I have and will continue to enjoy myself.