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Noob to,need some guidance and tips for begining - mandi - 05-24-2010

Hi guys,
this is just another noob asking advice regarding where to begin ?
I am much intrested learning programming and after learning some programming I am intrested in making my own programs,but here are some if my worries

1)ok I decided where to start?

2)with in how many days can I able to cover the basics?

3)i know that making programs in requires .net framework on the pc which we need to run,but I don't like this,is it possible to convert the code from to other languages and build a application ,so that I can able to run with out .net support

4)can you guys recommend me some good e-books which contains step by steo instruction regarding learning the basic of,+ recommend me some sites where I can get some open source codes for applications and some videos(if any ) regarding learning

I am here to ask suggestions and guidance from the programmers here,if I am wrong just correct me and guide me in a proper way for learning,donot flame.

hope I will get some guidance and tips from the programmers here..

RE: Noob to,need some guidance and tips for begining - Fragma - 05-25-2010

Read over peoples source codes.. try to understand what is going on.. Without ripping peoples source codes, try to create your own simple program to start with. Refer to other sources if you get stuck or use google. Start by experimenting with the "IF" statement. I'll try to explain it a bit..

If something happens then
as a result of that something else happens..

If something doesn't happen then
something else happens instead..

If Textbox1.text = "Hello" then
   msgbox("Please say hello :(")
End If

This is a very basic example. Obviously to put it to use you would have to put it under a Button_Click sub.

I learned the basics within 2 weeks of coding so it is fairly easy to pick up I think. Just read online tutorials, guides & e-books. Practice practice practice.

RE: Noob to,need some guidance and tips for begining - Matt™ - 05-26-2010

If you need any help just give me a PM I would be sure to help you.

RE: Noob to,need some guidance and tips for begining - Mudkipzz - 05-26-2010

Matt ish good with stuff.

RE: Noob to,need some guidance and tips for begining - Toχic - 06-01-2010

You can make a login box to another form.


1. Make a second form.
2. Go back to form1.vb.
3. Add 2 buttons and 2 textbox's.
4. Name 1 button Login and the other Cancel Or Exit.
5. Double click Cancel Or Exit and type
6. Now double click Login and type
if textbox1.text = "Username" + textbox2.text = "Password" then
msgbox("Username or Password is incorrect or missing",,"Error")

7.Your done !

RE: Noob to,need some guidance and tips for begining - mmki - 06-04-2010

Add my msn and ill mentor your say thou your first few weeks of learning if you want
My msn is
I wont be on till tommorw thou soz as im about to go to bed
Should take 2 weeks or so before you start making cool stuff

RE: Noob to,need some guidance and tips for begining - robbiecee2 - 06-07-2010

I highly recommend these videos on HF:

RE: Noob to,need some guidance and tips for begining - MySocksAreWet - 06-08-2010

I learned from being a leecher. As many source codes you can get your hands on, study them like a bitch.

Also, books from your local library are great resources.