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[TUT] MD5 Encrypter & Finder [VB.NET] - Fragma - 05-10-2010

In this tutorial I will guide you through making your own MD5 Encrypter & Finder.

MD5 Encrypter will Encrypt plain text into MD5 Hash.

MD5 Finder will search through 3 online databases for the desired hash and show the results in plain text.

Screenshots of what your program might look like:
[Image: md52.jpg]
[Image: md5.jpg]

Ok we will start with the MD5 Encrypter.

First off add the function:
Function MD5Hash(ByVal strToHash As String) As String
        Dim md5Obj As New Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider
        Dim bytes() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(strToHash)
        bytes = md5Obj.ComputeHash(bytes)
        Dim strResult As String = ""
        For Each b As Byte In bytes
            strResult += b.ToString("x2")
        Return strResult
    End Function

Now for Button1_click (Encrypt button) You need to add this code:
TextBox1.Text = MD5Hash(TextBox1.Text)

In the example above i have added a Copy text button. Here is the code for that if you wish to add it:

For button3_click add:

Ok now for the MD5 Finder..

First off i will list the names for each object otherwise you might get confused...

Timer1 = md5c
Timer2 = checkHost
Timer3 = gdata
Timer4 = passcrack
Textbox = txtHash
listView = listView

You need the following Imports:
Imports System
Imports System.Web

Declare the following web browsers:
Dim webbrowser As New WebBrowser
Dim gdatabrow As New WebBrowser
Dim passcracking As New WebBrowser

In Form2_load add this code:

        button1.Text = "Wait.."
        button1.Enabled = False

Ok now the following bits of code act like a bot on each site.
Private Sub md5crack()
webbrowser.Document.GetElementById("term").SetAttribute("value", Trim(txtHash.Text))
End Sub

Private Sub gdataonline()
        gdatabrow.Document.GetElementById("hash").SetAttribute("value", Trim(txtHash.Text))
    End Sub

Private Sub pcracking()
        passcracking.Document.GetElementById("datafromuser").SetAttribute("value", Trim(txtHash.Text))
    End Sub

Ok now the rest is what gets all the information & puts it in the Listview

For md5c_tick:

If webbrowser.Document.Body.InnerText.Contains("Your Results") Then

            Dim t2find As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("\("".*""\)")
            Dim storage As String = Me.webbrowser.Document.Body.InnerText
            Dim result As String = t2find.Match(storage).Value
            Dim reslen As Integer = result.Length

            If String.IsNullOrEmpty(result) Then

                ListView.Items(0).SubItems.Add("Not Found")
                Dim pText As String = result.Substring(2, reslen - 4)
            End If

        End If

For button1_click:



For checkHost_tick:
If webbrowser.ReadyState = WebBrowserReadyState.Complete AndAlso gdatabrow.ReadyState = WebBrowserReadyState.Complete AndAlso passcracking.ReadyState = WebBrowserReadyState.Complete Then
            'If passcracking.ReadyState = WebBrowserReadyState.Complete Then
            txtHash.Text = ""
            txtHash.ReadOnly = False
            look.Text = "Crack"

            look.Enabled = True
        End If

For gdata_tick:
If gdatabrow.Document.Body.InnerText.Contains("RESULTS:") Then

            Dim t2find As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(txtHash.Text & ".*\s")
            Dim storage As String = Me.gdatabrow.Document.Body.InnerText
            Dim result As String = t2find.Match(storage).Value
            Dim reslen As Integer = result.Length

            Dim pText As String = result.Substring(32, reslen - 32)
            If pText.Contains("?????") Then
                ListView.Items(1).SubItems.Add("Not Found")
            End If


        End If

For passcrack_tick:
If passcracking.Document.Body.InnerText.Contains(txtHash.Text) Then

            Dim t2find As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("<TD\sbgColor=#ff0000>.*<\/TD>")
            Dim storage As String = passcracking.Document.Body.InnerHtml
            Dim result As String = t2find.Match(storage).Value
            Dim reslen As Integer = result.Length

            If String.IsNullOrEmpty(result) Then
                ListView.Items(2).SubItems.Add("Not Found")
                Dim pText As String = result.Substring(20, reslen - 25)
            End If

        End If

Now all there is to do is the coding for loadlist which is:
Private Sub loadList()
        ListView.Columns.Add("Website").Width = 100
        ListView.Columns.Add("Result").Width = 156

end sub

And finally to dispose of the webbrowsers once the form closes:
Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles MyBase.FormClosing
end sub

And thats everything! If I've made any mistakes please let me know.

Credits for the Finder go to whoever released it on Leetcoders.


RE: [TUT] MD5 Encrypter & Finder [VB.NET] - Julie - 05-10-2010

Useful code, thanks for this dude !

RE: [TUT] MD5 Encrypter & Finder [VB.NET] - Fragma - 05-11-2010

Glad someone liked it. Smile

RE: [TUT] MD5 Encrypter & Finder [VB.NET] - Eve - 05-11-2010

You have many skills. Smile

RE: [TUT] MD5 Encrypter & Finder [VB.NET] - m EGa^ - 05-11-2010

Thanks for this DubStep Tongue , useful. And good job

RE: [TUT] MD5 Encrypter & Finder [VB.NET] - Julie - 05-13-2010

I tested and it works, thanks again :p

RE: [TUT] MD5 Encrypter & Finder [VB.NET] - Fragma - 05-13-2010

Glad you guys like it. If you need any help with anything just ask.

RE: [TUT] MD5 Encrypter & Finder [VB.NET] - JesusOfSuburbia - 05-14-2010

Thank's for this share..i will try to make this in future!

RE: [TUT] MD5 Encrypter & Finder [VB.NET] - Extasey - 05-14-2010

This isn't teaching! It's copy and pasting!
Maybe your should go into a little further details explaining what certain functions and codes actually do, instead of saying "Now for Button1_click (Encrypt button) You need to add this code:"

RE: [TUT] MD5 Encrypter & Finder [VB.NET] - Huawei - 05-16-2010

This is cool one, thanks friend.