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Weights for a 15 year old male? - Swift Swim - 04-25-2010

I'm 15 and pretty scrawny... Though I'm thin (VERY thin)

Apparently I have a good build for weight training (wide shoulders, etc); I have been told by multiple people but only now feel like it would help me.

So health buffs, what weight weights should I buy, what excersises should I do, and where should I buy them

Thanks. <3

RE: Weights for a 15 year old male? - Elektrisk - 04-25-2010

I would recommend just getting a gym membership, really.

But honestly, you should start out with the highest amount you can do. BUT, if you can't handle it, don't try to. Maybe it seems appealing to try to start out with 50lbs+ weights, but you'll just look and feel dumb if you struggle to even do one rep. We can't know how much you can handle, so just go to a fitness store (or the gym) and try out the weights there.

For exercises:

Oh, and one thing:
DON'T NEGLECT YOUR LEGS! So many people start working out and only focus on their abs/arms/whatever. It's so weird to see a guy with a muscular chest but really skinny legs.

RE: Weights for a 15 year old male? - Sam - 04-25-2010

At your age you could do some serious damage to your body if you lift incorrectly.

Check out this site:

RE: Weights for a 15 year old male? - NekoChan - 04-25-2010

Im never been a gym gusy. But I train with regular pushups and shitups.
I also use 2x4KG for upper body.

RE: Weights for a 15 year old male? - Harvey - 04-25-2010

Hi, SehCure.

Well, let me tell you a bit about myself - it may help you out. I'm fifteen also.

I'm 6'2" and weigh 68.6 kilograms (151 pounds). Now, that means I'm a serious ectomorph, so I know what it's like. I am, however, quite strong. I have big upper arms and legs, but my forearms let me down. Anyway, I'm able to do reps of 10 on each arm bicep curling 10 kilograms or 22 pounds. That's quite good, considering my mass - most people my age wouldn't be able to get to 10 repetitions comfortably doing that much.

When it comes to the bench press, I'm atrocious as my skinny forearms really let me down. I can do about thirty kilograms in total for about 8 repetitions. Shoulder press, I can do 40 kilograms for 8 reps. Sorry, I'm rambling on here.

Anyhow, what weights you should lift should depend on what results you want to gain. Are you looking for upper body mass, lower body mass, both, or a whole body compound workout? Elektrisk and I will be glad to help you out.

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