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Google is Broken. - Printable Version

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Google is Broken. - Cida - 04-23-2010

Having problems using Google, when I click search or press enter it doesn't do anything, suggestions won't work, and the Javascript that loads the options when you move the mouse doesn't work.

I use Chrome, tried it in Opera and got the same.

It started working again for a minute, but then went back, anyone else having this? I know it will be fixed in no time, and they're probably doing some updates, just curious.

Edit: Works in Safari.

RE: Google is Broken. - Elektrisk - 04-23-2010

It works just fine for me.

RE: Google is Broken. - Heli0s - 04-23-2010

Works fine for me, too. Quite odd that it's giving you issues...

RE: Google is Broken. - Cida - 04-23-2010

Well, it's like this

[Image: Google1.jpg]

And this
[Image: Google2.jpg]

And the cursor isn't blinking like it should.

Works on results like

May just be a thing.

Edit: Got the same on .com

Second edit: Actually .com works fine.

Another edit: Sometimes and sometimes not, pretty random, guess it'll be fine by tomorrow.

RE: Google is Broken. - Jordan L. - 04-23-2010

That's a thing with your keyboard / mouse settings if I'm not mistaken. Not Google.

RE: Google is Broken. - Cida - 04-23-2010

Nah, only happened on Google homepage, nothing else.

It's currently working for me.

RE: Google is Broken. - NekoChan - 04-23-2010

Your webbrowser is broken, since it works fine for me. Always have.

RE: Google is Broken. - Gone - 04-23-2010

(04-23-2010, 05:08 PM)Cida Wrote: Nah, only happened on Google homepage, nothing else.

It's currently working for me.

(04-23-2010, 05:16 PM)Neko-Chan Wrote: Your webbrowser is broken, since it works fine for me. Always have.

RE: Google is Broken. - logicfreak - 04-23-2010

It doesn't have problem. Works fine for me.

RE: Google is Broken. - .:xX[ThunderStorm]Xx:. - 04-23-2010

Google is working fine, there is a problem with your system and not Google.