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MyBB help. - Printable Version

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MyBB help. - Elektrisk - 03-16-2010

OK. I have a problem. In threads, the order in whcih posts are displayed is off. Here's an example:

2nd post
1st post
3rd post

Clearly, I'd want it to go 1st -> 2nd -> 3rd, as it is on most forums, ie- oldest first, newest last. How can I edit this?

RE: MyBB help. - MattR - 03-16-2010

Plugins?? There's something odd going on if this is happening.

RE: MyBB help. - Tim - 03-16-2010

A link would also be handy, I remember someone else saying this was happening to them but I can't remember what the resolution was. Does this always happen in every thread?

RE: MyBB help. - Bjfox - 03-17-2010

You should be able to fix this... go into where you install the plugin and look at the .php of the file and you should be able to change those lines of code very easy

RE: MyBB help. - MattR - 03-18-2010

What?? o.O

RE: MyBB help. - Elektrisk - 03-19-2010

I fixed the problem. Thanks guys.