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How I made $10 From a Mate at School - Jordan L. - 03-04-2010

I just have to write this down. Yesterday was awesome. Why didn't I write it yesterday you ask? Well, I forgot about it until this morning. In Phys Ed we were playing Basketball. There are dividing lines on both ends of the court, about 5 metres from each hoop. Well, joking around I stood on one of the divided lines. And faced the opposite hoop. A good 30 or metres away. Jokingly I said to my mate "Give me $10 if I somehow get it in?" He replied "Okay, deal!". I took a few bounce and threw it as hard as a could, it went dead straight and didn't even hit the backboard, and went straight through the middle of the hoop. Everyone that was watching had a shocked look on their face, and so did I. My mate who promised me $10 started swearing and kicking the floor. It was a great day. I couldn't believe that happened. Big Grin

Ever happened to anyone else? Or sometihng similiar?

RE: How I made $10 From a Mate at School - Foresight - 03-04-2010

Lmao, that's great. It's also statistically improbable. Good job Trilobyte.

RE: How I made $10 From a Mate at School - ElephantShoe - 03-04-2010

That's awesome. What's more awesome is he actually gave you the money. If that happened to me, my friends would try to revoke it.

RE: How I made $10 From a Mate at School - uber1337 - 03-05-2010

Haha that's a funny story. I had a similar experience. One day we were learning geography and everyone was looking at a globe. One girl said if I could pronounce this country's name she would give me five dollars. She pointed to Czechoslovakia, thinking I wouldn't get it, my aunt is from there, I pronounced it perfectly.

RE: How I made $10 From a Mate at School - Skill - 03-07-2010

That's a pretty decent way to make money, but I bet you couldn't do it again. Tongue

I remember doing bets like that, but my friends never paid up.