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How Will HF Do When Omni Leaves? - Printable Version

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How Will HF Do When Omni Leaves? - Reece - 02-23-2010

I was wondering, how do you think HF will do when Omni isn't the Owner?

I personally think the new Owner will piss most of the Ub3r's off when he takes away their status. (Yes, Omni said it might happen) If, like Omni said might happen, he turns the Site into a Blackhat Forum, I hope he doesn't do anything stupid and get in Legal trouble and have HF shutdown.

I believe one of these will happen:
-Hackforums will Die, and everyone will go to a new Hacking Forum
-New Owner makes changes and HF does better
-New Owner gets in legal trouble and HF shuts down in Months

I hope he does the 2nd one. ;] <3 HF


RE: How Will HF Do When Omni Leaves? - Gone - 02-23-2010

Who cares? This is SF. Not HF. I'm sure it will be fine since Omni will be working there as an employee.

RE: How Will HF Do When Omni Leaves? - Tim - 02-23-2010

Omni isn't leaving HF, he has said that the new owner is employing him too help administrate it. Plus, who cares, this is SF.

RE: How Will HF Do When Omni Leaves? - Mike. - 02-23-2010

If Omni ends up leaving it's probably going to get shut down

RE: How Will HF Do When Omni Leaves? - Omniscient - 02-23-2010

This is not HF. Discuss HF there.