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Ok so I have a workflow problem - Printable Version

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Ok so I have a workflow problem - bsdpunk - 11-25-2009

Mainly these days I write my articles for my blog ( ), at my desk. Occasionaly I code at my fedora box, but the chair I have is not an office chair, it's just to relaxing and I just end up surfing instead of coding. I have a couch that points at my 40" monitor I use for my mac book. Mostly that's just for watching movies and writing music. The problem is I write all my midi stuff with Reason on the couch with my midi controller, and I write my synth stuff on the couch but hooked through the Fedora machine. Again, this isn't very condusive to what I am doing. It lends to me just laying on the couch and taking a nap, or dicking around on the web. I really feel if my basement were set up in a more productive manner I would get more music made, and more code produced. Below are pictures of the basement....excuse the mess. Assuming people respond to this submission I will submit less messy pictures as I will have to clean for the holiday....for right now these will have to do.

[Image: 4125579918_189ec9cbb9_b.jpg]

[Image: 4124791461_3b01165b01_b.jpg]

[Image: 4124810735_603e7454fa_b.jpg]

No I don't sleep on the bed. I sleep on the couch.
[Image: 4125560430_70bb56b6ca_b.jpg]

This is what is behind the blanket in the first pictures:

[Image: 4124790995_a3daaaebb4_b.jpg]
^Fedora Box

RE: Ok so I have a workflow problem - Viciousness - 11-25-2009

What's the point of this thread again?

RE: Ok so I have a workflow problem - bsdpunk - 11-25-2009

How should I move my crap, so that I can easily write music and code, instead of just taking a nap, because I'm sitting on the couch in front of a 40 inch monitor that becomes a 40 inch tv in three clicks

RE: Ok so I have a workflow problem - Brainless Control - 11-25-2009

Clean up your basement and everything should be fine.

RE: Ok so I have a workflow problem - Viciousness - 11-25-2009

You live there, not us.

It's not exactly brain surgery...

RE: Ok so I have a workflow problem - Grizzly - 11-25-2009

I would start by cleaning. Once you're done cleaning and we can see what's completely under the mess we'll be able to better help you. Also, I code in bed, so that is a lame excuse Nono

RE: Ok so I have a workflow problem - manipulate - 11-28-2009

You're lucky BSD, making music and coding is my version of dicking around, work is school work..I hate you.