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Imagine this..., - Valkyrie210 - 05-06-2013

Alright so I thought about this while going pee, I just realized that I was home alone. So read this and while you're reading this, Put your religion past you for these few moments that I speak to you.
Image you just have woken up, You return to your daily routine like you always do. You wake up, Go to the restroom. As you're doing this, You're wide awake, Not like you're normally tired. So you go to the restroom and you start to use the restroom, Although you see that nothing is coming out. You don't really think about it, All that goes threw your mind is "I thought I had to pee, I guess not". So you proceed to go to your living room. You notice that no one's home. It's dark outside, You see things you haven't seen before. You begin to wonder, "Have I been in a coma this whole time?"... You see some movement to your left, you hear weeping... You glance over to the left. You see your family, you seem them weeping around a casket. You walk up to them and you tell them "It's going to be okay". They don't respond. They don't even know you're there. You lean over them to see what or who their tears are for. You notice it's you! Now you wonder, But before you can complete your thought, The eyes of your body opens and your arm grabs you and pulls you in. But it's not an abyss, it's not anything. You flash to outside of your house. Or where it used to be, Your house isn't there anymore... the house you lived in was torn down and was replaced with grass, But it's not green grass, It's brown, and dead.... You come to realize, that you've been dead for 2 months now... You begin to try to put it all together, But instead, the grass starts turning from brown, to green, the most beautiful green you have ever seen. It's lush, perfect cut, and the smell is overwhelming, Flowers start to bloom, you never realized how beautiful life was until now. But now it's to late, you're gone, You can not appreciate it with the ones you love. You see a light, Not sun light, But light. It's warm, It's peaceful, It's energetic, It's happy, It's forgiveness, and welcomeness... You see a man come down, Followed by the family you have lost. You don't feel alone anymore, You don't feel anything but peace and happiness. You look back at your family mourning your loss. You want to help them, But you're so moved by this light. You are so intrigued. So you go....

Now after you read that, Close your eyes and imagine it, if you did not imagine it while you were reading. Open your eyes and think "What have I done with my life?", "What will I do with my life?", "How can I change my life?", "Who do I believe in?","When should I start?". All I can say is, You know the answer to all your problems, You're just afraid of admitting it. So just believe.