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hackforums down(repost)? - Printable Version

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hackforums down(repost)? - Deface Loop - 06-25-2012

If I am supposted to contact Hackforums... how can I when it won't load....... Want to answer that and not close the topic so I can get help?

RE: hackforums down(repost)? - Retribute - 06-25-2012

This is NOT a site for HackForums support.
HF loads perfectly fine for me.

RE: hackforums down(repost)? - Deface Loop - 06-25-2012

Ok congratz. It don't load for me. If you're not going to help don't post.


RE: hackforums down(repost)? - ///ViNcE - 06-25-2012

(06-25-2012, 10:34 AM)Deface Loop Wrote: Ok congratz. It don't load for me. If you're not going to help don't post.


Deface -_- ARE YOU REALLY SERIOUS!?!?! Whiny little -_- This is SUPPORTFORUMS, not HACKFORUMS!!! This is not a place you post about Hackforums support, take it up by E-Mailing the webmaster.

FYI, I'm only flamming because it's like, seriously, the comment you just made -_-

Even after checking this one: Original Thread

Double posting last I knew was not allowed in the rules~~~
Even Damink answered your question:
Quote:Its up for me.
If you have further issue contact HF.
Or check there blog. Support forum is not Hackforum support.
For support to get you away, maybe not use a proxy or actually pay for one that's reliable??? -_-