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Everything collapsing - whydoigo-on - 02-05-2012

Family, friends, the ones i love. I feel like my life is collapsing.

Suicide feels like an option

RE: Everything collapsing - Retribute - 02-05-2012

Don't suicide. Just think positive and maybe talk to a counselor of some sort. Talking with someone about your problems helps. Trust me.

RE: Everything collapsing - Shattering - - 02-06-2012

Suicide is not a solution. Keep your head up man.
Don't give up.

RE: Everything collapsing - webdev77 - 02-07-2012

It will only hurt those around you, it won't help anybody. Talk to your religious leader at your church/synagogue/temple/mosque/whatever you call it or a counselor and ask for their advice.

RE: Everything collapsing - Đymatize - 02-07-2012

Suicide isn't the way to go bro.. Just think about all of the people in your life who love you. It hurts them more then it will ever hurt you.

RE: Everything collapsing - lover and fighter - 02-09-2012

Not only does suicide hurt the ones who love you, I think it would hurt you too. I don't know your spiritual beliefs, but I believe we carry our issues with us until they are resolved, even when we transition out of the life we're currently living. And even though suicide may feel like an easy way out, I think it would only complicate things. Let the pain of where you are now motivate and inspire you to find a way out and make your life into what you WANT it to be with peace and happiness as your goal. Think of all the amazing things you can do, think of the amazing turnaround and story you could create for yourself. You could become an inspiration to someone else once you make it through the dark valley you're traveling. You NEED this time in your life where you're getting all broken down so you can build yourself back up. Use it to your advantage in the long run. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me- Psalms 23:4. Good luck and God Bless!

RE: Everything collapsing - Load - 02-10-2012

I posted on your other thread about this, a more comprehensive reply. Regardless; Suicide isn't the way to go, it will just hurt everyone around you. It's not the 'quick-fix' or 'easy way out' that everyone thinks it is, it's a long lasting nightmare for family members, that get's passed down through generations. Take your life one step at a time, working on the smaller problems instead of facing the bigger ones alone. Find someone you can talk to in person about it, keep them updated about everything that's going on and listen to their advice. Don't be clouded by the bad thoughts, keep going, believe in yourself and everything will sort it's self out eventually.

RE: Everything collapsing - Crystal - 02-10-2012

Well this is a double thread.. plz dont post twice...