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Higher Project Qualification (for Diploma) Ideas - Printable Version

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Higher Project Qualification (for Diploma) Ideas - groovybluedog - 01-03-2012


I am having trouble thinking of a reasonable yet challenging idea to do for my HPQ. The HPQ is simply a project which I choose to do on what I like. It needs to be something I don't know and can be an artifact or report. Futhermore it must be IT related.

I can't think of anything. Does anyone have any ideas? Making websites or programming is no-no as I can do it. I was thinking of a report on how the internet was created although apparantly that was not challenging enough even though there is a lot to write.

Thank you for any ideas,


RE: Higher Project Qualification (for Diploma) Ideas - Winterâ„¢ - 01-05-2012

Write about how the internet is crashing, and if we don't take action now. Well, one day there might not be in internet. Watch the speech by Mikko Hyponnen on TED.COM great speech, really thought out, and it could land you in the high qualifications.

RE: Higher Project Qualification (for Diploma) Ideas - .Legacy. - 01-05-2012

If you live in the US, possibly something about SOPA and Protect IP?