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I'm hungry all the time.. - Printable Version

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I'm hungry all the time.. - Skyset - 07-19-2011

Hey SF!

Recently, I've seen myself going to the fridge now and then and take something to eat. It could be everything from a cold hot dog to a piece of chocolate. I'm constantly hungry and I'm worried of gaining more weight.

I'm not fat, and I'm not overweight. My BMI is right in the middle of normal and you can't see any fat on me.

I don't exercise, I did before though. I might start again.

Also, I don't gain weight very easy, I barely exercise, I spend a lot of time sitting down and I don't eat super healthy food. (Pizza like once a week, McDonalds sometimes).

Do you know what this can be? I feel that I must eat something all the time.

Thanks for the help.

- Skyset

RE: I'm hungry all the time.. - Patrick - 07-19-2011

You need to keep your self occupied, i did this a few years ago and gained a few pounds but then i got a job and went out nearly every day, also started going to gym, now i dont even have time to open the fridge. hope this helps dude.

RE: I'm hungry all the time.. - Skyset - 07-19-2011

(07-19-2011, 05:26 PM)Patrick Wrote: You need to keep your self occupied, i did this a few years ago and gained a few pounds but then i got a job and went out nearly every day, also started going to gym, now i dont even have time to open the fridge.

There's a gym connected to SSAB (Swedish steel company, worlds largest I believe), and my stepmother works there so I can go there for only $15/year. It's fairly close too. I guess that's what I should do Smile

RE: I'm hungry all the time.. - Decept ♥ - 07-19-2011

I do this too. I find that the problem is not that I'm hungry all the time, but that I have nothing better to do so I eat. Like Patrick said, you need to keep yourself occupied. If you do that you'll be surprised at how long you can go without feeling hungry.

RE: I'm hungry all the time.. - Cosmos - 07-19-2011

How old are you? It may just be puberty.

RE: I'm hungry all the time.. - Closed Account - 07-20-2011

Im 15 this doesent happend to me but you can try seeing a doctor aswill

RE: I'm hungry all the time.. - Skyset - 07-20-2011

(07-19-2011, 07:35 PM)Ambiguity Wrote: How old are you? It may just be puberty.

I'm 17, I've already been through my puberty hunger.

RE: I'm hungry all the time.. - Chef - 07-20-2011

From where my metabolism is so high, I can never gain weight.

I also eat sometimes a lot, my parents joke around and say I have a tapeworm.


RE: I'm hungry all the time.. - Liquid X - 07-22-2011

What you do, is drink a lot of water.
It fills you up for a short time taking your mind off of it.

You can drink as much water as you want and never gain weight.

RE: I'm hungry all the time.. - Swat Runs Train - 07-22-2011

Eat healthy foods, generally they're lower in calories so you can eat more in a day without worrying about gaining fat etc., stuff like cucumbers and celery have practically no calories yet make a good snack.