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Vertical Jump - King - 06-22-2011

This is just a light discussion thread on jumping. I'm a volleyballer and so I workout everyday to improve upon my vertical jump. It's a vital part of many sports: volleyball, basketball, high jump, etc.

Who else works on their vertical and would like to share some tips (or hear some)?

RE: Vertical Jump - Top - 06-22-2011

I play Basketball and I don't really worry about my vertical jump, I worry about getting the ball in the hoop

RE: Vertical Jump - sockatobi - 06-23-2011

Try doing plyometric workouts. If you have p90x, there's a DVD on it.

It increases leg strength and stamina, so it's a two-for-one package.

RE: Vertical Jump - Metapod - 06-23-2011

I practice parkour and it helps with your legs a lot. Also just try jumping higher and higher on walls or something. Having a goal could help push you higher.

RE: Vertical Jump - FaRLisLe - 06-23-2011

try taekwondo. its good for your legs become stronger. just try it bro. good luck.

RE: Vertical Jump - Danielle - 06-23-2011

I don't play any sports currently, but I do put jumps in my exercise regimen. I like to keep my legs toned and the jumps really help with that. I would love to hear some of your tips for higher jumps because I'm always looking for more advanced exercises.

RE: Vertical Jump - King - 06-23-2011

(06-23-2011, 09:38 AM)Veryx Wrote: I practice parkour and it helps with your legs a lot. Also just try jumping higher and higher on walls or something. Having a goal could help push you higher.

Parkour would be excellent because landing from such heights and absorbing the momentum through your legs is a prime plyometric exercise. I do box depth jumps which is a similar thing, just on a smaller scale.

Quote:I would love to hear some of your tips for higher jumps because I'm always looking for more advanced exercises.

Having an improved vertical jump is excellent for a number of reasons. Not only will you be able to jump higher, but you will be much more explosive in anything you do, be it sprinting, throwing, or fighting.

To improve your vertical jump and/or explosiveness, you need to incorporate a balance of strength and plyometric exercises in your workouts. Jumping higher is all about producing force, and force comes from mass by acceleration. Think of the mass as the strength and acceleration as the explosiveness.

The best exercise you can do in a gym to improve your leg strength (with a focus on vertical jump) is the squat. Your quads are the primary muscle group when jumping, and squats hit them really hard. It also engages your glutes and lower back.

Plyometrically, skipping is the easiest exercise to perform. Jump rope for a few minutes everyday and you'll see an improvement. Also, depth jumps and squat jumps are very good. YouTube is a great resource if you're looking for exercises to do.

RE: Vertical Jump - masterfan - 06-24-2011

Mark one dot on wall or something else and try to hit it with your hand.It helps a lot and u'll see a big improvement.

RE: Vertical Jump - devilpsn - 06-27-2011

Me Each Day .