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I am offering a free domain to whoever has a website that will be successful and offer the best perks for me - Printable Version

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I am offering a free domain to whoever has a website that will be successful and offer the best perks for me - MAcar - 10-21-2009

Propose your site idea and what you can offer me e.g. ads from my proxy, admin account, etc and how much traffic the site will get I'm not going to give a domain to some guy who's website only gets 5 view per day.

My web host is 1and1 and it allows 25 mysql db 100 sub-domains and lots of storage space!

Update: also if some one proposes their idea for a site they wanted to make but dont know how and its a good idea i may build the site if they just make a template of how they want it to look ( i can design sites only bring them to life with php and mysql) and make them an admin of the site

EDIT: No porn sites! Or Adult Content!


RE: I am offering a free domain to whoever has a website that will be successful and offer the best perks for me - Akshay* - 10-23-2009

Can you please tell the name of the domain

RE: I am offering a free domain to whoever has a website that will be successful and offer the best perks for me - Grizzly - 10-23-2009

You do realize that no site will get a ton of people over the first few months right?

RE: I am offering a free domain to whoever has a website that will be successful and offer the best perks for me - MAcar - 10-23-2009

the domain is what ever you choose i havent regestered one yet im just say that i have 2 domains in my hosting package and im oly using one so im giving away the other for free