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Your Gaming SS - F3aR™ - 06-02-2011

In this thread, you will post your best game K/D ratio pictures and maybe a little bragging... ;)

Here's a few of mine:
Medal of Honor:

Halo Reach:
This pic was taken about 4 minutes ago ;)

RE: Your Gaming SS - Witness - 06-02-2011

I will link a few of my beast Reach games from last night's session.

18-2 FFA

20-0 Rampage Perfection

23-2 DMRs on Asylum

I have definitely had better games, these were just from my last 8 or so games.

RE: Your Gaming SS - F3aR™ - 06-02-2011

Not bad. The reach picture i posted was the first time I played reach in 2 months. I sold my reach awhile ago and downloaded the demo. For some reason, the demo lets you play MP =\

RE: Your Gaming SS - Witness - 06-02-2011

You can play MP through the demo?
Wtf, I thought it was only an SP mission, that is very weird.

RE: Your Gaming SS - F3aR™ - 06-02-2011

Nope. I played Slayer/ Headhunter for 2 hours. I thought it was weird to but you can't level up or anything though.

RE: Your Gaming SS - Witness - 06-02-2011

(06-02-2011, 12:19 PM)F3aR™ Wrote: Nope. I played Slayer/ Headhunter for 2 hours. I thought it was weird to but you can't level up or anything though.

Hmm alright, it must just give you basically guest access to the game.
Pretty cool I guess.

RE: Your Gaming SS - EaGLeZ - 06-02-2011

(06-02-2011, 12:19 PM)F3aR™ Wrote: Nope. I played Slayer/ Headhunter for 2 hours. I thought it was weird to but you can't level up or anything though.

Really? I'm about to go download the demo then lol.

RE: Your Gaming SS - F3aR™ - 06-02-2011

Still fun for being the demo. The demo makes you play the worst level though haha.

RE: Your Gaming SS - Witness - 06-03-2011

Save yourself the stress Eaglez lol.
I enjoy Reach, and I am a very solid player, but it is a VERY flawed game.

RE: Your Gaming SS - Richie - 06-03-2011

On MW2 i've gone 62 to 4 before, and on Reach i've done like 15:1 ratios I think, not too sure.

RuneScape I once went to a clan war, 140 kills 5 deaths lol.