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My Published Poems - Impulses SF - 05-24-2011

It was a school project, basically you wrote poems throughout a period of 1 month and my english teacher helped us edit it.

I know it is not the best, but poetry does intrest me.
My teacher was well connected and is a decently known author.

Book Name: Raising Humanity
Writen by: High School students
Edited by: Michael E. Sweet
Featuring: - An introduction by Martin Sheen (Famous Actor, father of Charlie Sheen)
- An introduction by Marc Garneau (First Canadian astronaut in space)

My Poem:
The Next Morning

Waking the next morning,
my eyes fare filled with confusion,
A sensation of fear
trembles down my body.

Mom tells me
my brother is suffering.
Last night is a blur,
says the pounding in my head.

Then it hits me,
I'd promise to only have one.
Promise broken.
Drunk behind the wheel
I lost control...

The sensation of fear vanishes,
it is replaced by regret.

Thanks guys, Don't be to critical please!
It was my 3rd poem. I was published in another book, I will post that poem later.

RE: My Published Poems - G0dfath3r - 05-25-2011

Seems to me quite impressive work,you have done pretty good job,people here should tell you about your mistakes.Just want to say one thing you have written your heart saying words.

RE: My Published Poems - Impulses SF - 05-25-2011

Thanks for the response G0dfath3r!
I will try and find the other Book I was in and post up my poem from that one.

RE: My Published Poems - Anon - 06-09-2011

Don't get me wrong champion this is very very good work here, but i thought poems rhyme i have read it in wrong i didn't find the rhymes. Then again i don't have a interest in poems as I'm a song writer.

All in All GOOD JOB!

RE: My Published Poems - xMan - 06-09-2011

Nice job! and it got published? wow thats amazing!!!!

RE: My Published Poems - Zumog - 06-09-2011

I like it. I was never the best at writing poems or story's at school. But I'm working on it ^_^

RE: My Published Poems - Crawls - 06-09-2011

I'm impressed man keep up the good work.

RE: My Published Poems - BlackChaos - 06-11-2011

Great poem. A bit difficult to follow at first, but perhaps thats just me. I got it after reading it the second time though. Smile

(06-09-2011, 06:04 AM)Anon Wrote: Don't get me wrong champion this is very very good work here, but i thought poems rhyme i have read it in wrong i didn't find the rhymes. Then again i don't have a interest in poems as I'm a song writer.

All in All GOOD JOB!

Not all poems rhyme. What he wrote is a free verse poem.