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Problem With Cardio & Asthma - iMario - 04-30-2011

So, let's start by saying that I got Asthma. It's really hard to me to keep doing physical exercise for a long time. I sometimes go out and play 1 vs 1 soccer with my brother and I stop playing after 5 -10 minutes because I get really tired. Summer is coming soon and I want to play more sports. Any idea to get more cardio, less tired?

RE: Problem With Cardio & Asthma - 101 - 04-30-2011

You should probably try and stay active each day by walking for an hour or so.
Gradually get more active, should work.

RE: Problem With Cardio & Asthma - iMario - 05-02-2011

(04-30-2011, 10:46 PM)101 Wrote: You should probably try and stay active each day by walking for an hour or so.
Gradually get more active, should work.

If I run on a treadmill each day for like 15-20 min, would it be good?

RE: Problem With Cardio & Asthma - iCrack - 05-04-2011

You asthmatic? Me too...
I take medication at breakfast which allows me to do everything like a 'normal' person (not saying we are not normal)...
The medicine is Pulmicort Turbohaler 200:
I experience moments like the one you mentioned (in Physical Education Class for example) when I don't take this in the morning.
Hope it helps you out!

iCrack from HF as well... Big Grin

RE: Problem With Cardio & Asthma - Mao - 05-05-2011

I was asthmatic too, but I grew out of it. What helped me a lot was swimming and singing, it improved my breathing and minimized the severity of my attacks. But for now, you can just take salbutamol or terbutaline sulfate (bronchodilators) to help relieve you of the attacks.

RE: Problem With Cardio & Asthma - bante - 05-06-2011

Hey buddy you should examined by a good one doctor and made a complete check up of it...
Proper medication will help you better in this matter and you will cure soon...
If you can't do the exercise or don't play the soccer than you will have some walk... It will help you more...

RE: Problem With Cardio & Asthma - Amp™ - 05-12-2011

Well for starters, go to the doctor and see what he has to say!
Aside from that, exercise is your best bet. You previously posted would running on a treadmill for 15-20 minutes be good. I think if you get tired within 5 minutes, you should start off walking for 30 minutes. Then after walking for a week, start doing a 15 minute light jog. After building up to it, start running when you feel you're ready.

RE: Problem With Cardio & Asthma - Halloween - 05-28-2011

I actually have Asthma aswell. If I didnt have a Inhaler or Nebulizer I might not be alive today. My Asthma was much worse when I was younger and it seems to only get really bad when Im around animals. But when i exercise im fine. This is because I have grow out of it from staying in Shape. I would suggest comming up with a workout routine and focusing on your Cardio exercises. Good luck.

RE: Problem With Cardio & Asthma - iMario - 05-30-2011

Thanks guys, this summer I will run outside to practise my cardio, I will also run on the treadmill, and the doctor told me to take the pump before making physical exercise. Well, if I didn't improve I will see the doctor back!

RE: Problem With Cardio & Asthma - Deltron - 05-30-2011

Make sure you don't start too big. Begin with a walk, power walk, jog, etc. Progress slowly. Otherwise, taking part in cardiovascular activities that are too difficult for your body may result in an asthma attack, or worse.

I had asthma, but I can say I have overcome it with daily exercises. I started with power walks, then biking, and now I'm running 1-3 miles about four times a week.