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Need Help. - Sparky - 10-19-2009

Hey so my site needs a little help. I was using free hosting on for a while. Then around 30 minutes ago, I changed to a different host and deleted my 000webhost account. I changed the namesevers and everything. But, when I try to access the site I get a 000webhost error. What should I do?

RE: Need Help. - Grizzly - 10-19-2009

First start out by making a descriptive title. You're more likely to get people to respond to this thread if they know what it's about.

Second, wait 24-48 hours for domain propagation.

RE: Need Help. - DAMINKā„¢ - 10-19-2009

Agree. Propagation will take a while. You could just use the ip address if they make it available to you. (Normally assosiated with name servers) For example. http://123.456.789 or whatever.
Until it propagates.

RE: Need Help. - Grizzly - 10-19-2009

Also, try going into the command line. If you're in vista you will have to run it as an administrator. In the command line, type: ipconfig /flushdns

That will flush your DNS cache which may help you view your site quicker.