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Mouse controll ?? - Printable Version

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Mouse controll ?? - Axxor - 04-08-2011

Hello, if there are any one who can make a tut about how to create a mouse control or something thet makes the mouse clikk and hold in the number of seconds selected.


RE: Mouse controll ?? - Fragma - 04-08-2011

May I ask what you are wanting to do this for?

RE: Mouse controll ?? - C4Vendetta - 04-08-2011

I'm using a Dutch version of windows, I translated the names, so they may not match the exact English names.

Right click > adjust to personal preferences > change mouse cursor > option for cursors/buttons

In the last window(s) you should find everything you need.

RE: Mouse controll ?? - Axxor - 04-08-2011

Need for a flash geme ^^

BTW, i need it like visual basic.

I need to set a time like 15 sec, then the mouse clikk and hold until next clikk

RE: Mouse controll ?? - KoBE - 04-08-2011

Check out this link. I think this is what you're talking about. You can set the timer to hold the mouse down for 15 secs, then after 15 secs trigger the mouse up.