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Pepsi - ProspectDotNet - 10-18-2009

Pepsi Amp FTW!!

RE: Pepsi - DAMINK™ - 10-18-2009

Excellent lol. I like the idea.

RE: Pepsi - ProspectDotNet - 10-18-2009

This has to be one of the funniest things. I mean wow, a major company like Pepsi. Kudos to those guys.

RE: Pepsi - DAMINK™ - 10-18-2009

I agree. Its quite out there. I suspect its an intended marketing ploy to get people talking but i do like it.

RE: Pepsi - ProspectDotNet - 10-18-2009

The sweet smell of publicity!

RE: Pepsi - Elektrisk - 10-18-2009

Haha. People get so uptight about stupid crap. It's an APP! Who CARES! Are people so oblivious to think that guys don't do this already? Hell, they could do it with a notepad and a pen! I personally don't, but there're guys who do. An iPhone app would just make it easier for them. Who cares? I sense some feminazis.

RE: Pepsi - DAMINK™ - 10-18-2009

Any publicity is good publicity. This would no doubt be what there trying to achieve.
Lets face it in todays world we can not even whistle at a woman without being sexist.

Now off topic a bit but i have posted directly after you a few times now Elektrisk and 1 thing concerns me.
Your sig. It looks almost like you have a nut wanting to pop out of your shorts mate....

RE: Pepsi - Elektrisk - 10-18-2009

Quote:Now off topic a bit but i have posted directly after you a few times now Elektrisk and 1 thing concerns me.
Your sig. It looks almost like you have a nut wanting to pop out of your shorts mate....

That isn't me.

RE: Pepsi - DAMINK™ - 10-18-2009

Oh ok. Then i am even more concerned now lol.

RE: Pepsi - Extasey - 10-18-2009

Downloaded straight away.