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Persuade Me To Buy An Xbox 360 - Fragma - 04-03-2011

Ok so I'm a major Playstation fan. I've absolutely loved the PS1, 2 & 3. Only problem at the moment is, the PS3 isn't just mine, it's the whole families, meaning I can't just take it up to my room which is very annoying.

I've always hated on Xbox's but basically if I'm going to want to start gaming in my room, it's the cheapest option for me. (I can't afford buying another PS3).

So what benefits would I get with an Xbox? What's so good about it? Why should I buy it? I hear the controllers are alot easier to use for FPS games, although it would probably feel very strange for me switching from a PS controller.

I'm a little put off with paying for online, and it would also mean buying a load of new games, so I'm not actually sure that in the long run, it would be cheaper? It could end up being even more expensive.

I need some serious advice here. Preferably by someone who owns both a PS3 & Xbox, but all advice is welcome.

RE: Pursuade Me To Buy An Xbox 360 - RDCA - 04-03-2011

Truth is if you want to play online on the xbox in the long run it is going to cost you more. But compared to the ps3 the connection and sounds are a lot better. Also ps3 remotes are to small.

RE: Pursuade Me To Buy An Xbox 360 - Peter L - 04-03-2011

I prefer an Xbox 360 over a ps3 any day. The only reason, in my opinion, PS3 is competition is because of bluray and free online play. Compared to what 360 has, that's nothing. Xbox 360 gets DLC first, has a better online experience in my opinion (more social), and has much more features.

Not to mention the whole lawsuit thing with Sony. If you don't know the story, learn it and you won't wanna buy a ps3. I'd rather pay to play Live then play PSN for free.

RE: Pursuade Me To Buy An Xbox 360 - Fragma - 04-03-2011

(04-03-2011, 01:29 PM)RDCA Wrote: Truth is if you want to play online on the xbox in the long run it is going to cost you more. But compared to the ps3 the connection and sounds are a lot better. Also ps3 remotes are to small.

I'm used to PS3 though so the controllers to me are not a problem. And sound isn't a problem either. Connection can be slightly annoying though. I think I'm going to have to have a serious think about this before I spend any money.
(04-03-2011, 01:34 PM)Laugh Wrote: I prefer an Xbox 360 over a ps3 any day. The only reason, in my opinion, PS3 is competition is because of bluray and free online play. Compared to what 360 has, that's nothing. Xbox 360 gets DLC first, has a better online experience in my opinion (more social), and has much more features.

Not to mention the whole lawsuit thing with Sony. If you don't know the story, learn it and you won't wanna buy a ps3. I'd rather pay to play Live then play PSN for free.

I already have a PS3. What features does the Xbox have which the PS3 doesn't?

RE: Pursuade Me To Buy An Xbox 360 - JDBar - 04-03-2011

I'd go with buying another PS3, mostly because it pays off in the long run and PS+ is totally awesome, and you probably already have a library of PS3 games. Really the only pros I can think of for a 360 is earlier DLC for a select few games and cross-game chat which for some reason Sony has yet to introduce. But at the same time you'll then have both a 360 and a PS3 and will never miss out on anymore exclusives, which is always really nice. Through my experience Sony cares for me more as a gamer than Microsoft does, and both the hardware and software is just a small notch above the 360.

RE: Pursuade Me To Buy An Xbox 360 - Delicious - 04-05-2011

Xbox doesn't have much more than the PS3 except for the online experience and some new games like Halo, but if you're getting an Xbox you will definitely wanna get the Kinect with it. I heard it's really good.

RE: Pursuade Me To Buy An Xbox 360 - Fragma - 04-06-2011

(04-05-2011, 11:03 PM)Delicious Wrote: Xbox doesn't have much more than the PS3 except for the online experience and some new games like Halo, but if you're getting an Xbox you will definitely wanna get the Kinect with it. I heard it's really good.

I hate Halo so if that's one of the main reasons why I should get an Xbox, then I think I'll pass lol..
Also I have the Playstation Move so I wouldn't need the Kinect.

Thanks for your advice anyway.

RE: Pursuade Me To Buy An Xbox 360 - Baked - 04-06-2011

Xbox just has better online and kinect.
If you're a casual gamer, I'd buy a PS3.

You spelled persuade wrong btw.

RE: Persuade Me To Buy An Xbox 360 - Fragma - 04-06-2011

(04-06-2011, 06:07 AM)Baked Wrote: Xbox just has better online and kinect.
If you're a casual gamer, I'd buy a PS3.

You spelled persuade wrong btw.

Thanks I've corrected it.
I've seen the Kinect and it doesn't look as good as the Move.
This is a tough decision, but I think I may just get another PS3. It would probably work out cheaper in the long run, it would mean I wouldn't have to buy any new games, and I'm used to the controllers, etc...
I know people say Xbox online is better, but I doubt it's that much better than the PS3. Not worth paying for anyway.

Thanks for all the advice guys!

RE: Pursuade Me To Buy An Xbox 360 - The Sequel - 04-06-2011

(04-03-2011, 01:34 PM)Laugh Wrote: I prefer an Xbox 360 over a ps3 any day. The only reason, in my opinion, PS3 is competition is because of bluray and free online play. Compared to what 360 has, that's nothing. Xbox 360 gets DLC first, has a better online experience in my opinion (more social), and has much more features.

Not to mention the whole lawsuit thing with Sony. If you don't know the story, learn it and you won't wanna buy a ps3. I'd rather pay to play Live then play PSN for free.

that's actually pretty messed up. i can understand sony suing, but to get ip addresses just for visiting sites? punishment for somebody stumbling across a video on youtube? its a sad day when the internet stands more for justice than the courts do Mad