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MyBB Popup Links? - Printable Version

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MyBB Popup Links? - groovybluedog - 01-25-2011

Hi All,

In free time I tend to create websites on different topics. I recently went onto fansites for games.

In this new site, I am putting in a radio. I need a radio that will not reload while browsing the forum, so putting the radio player code in the header or footer would be a bad idea.

I came up with a new idea. Remember when you open up a chat window of a company? When you click the link, The chat will open in a new window, at the defined size to the chat script.

Does anyone know what code I need to make a page load in a certain size new window when the link is clicked?

Thanks for any assistance,


RE: MyBB Popup Links? - Fragma - 01-25-2011

MyBB's Buddy List does that.

I'm sure you could nick the coding for it, and implement it for your radio.


<a href="#" onclick="MyBB.popupWindow('{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/misc.php?action=buddypopup', 'buddyList', 350, 350);">{$lang->welcome_open_buddy_list}</a>

I assume this is what you are looking for. I'm sure it is easy to adapt.


<a href="#" onclick="MyBB.popupWindow('URL OF RADIO', 350, 350);"><img src="RADIO BUTTON URL" /></a>

RE: MyBB Popup Links? - groovybluedog - 01-26-2011

Thank you, That helped alot, and it worked. The fact you made an edit and simply told me what to change was very handy. Thanks once again.

RE: MyBB Popup Links? - Fragma - 01-26-2011

No problem. Good luck with your forum.

RE: MyBB Popup Links? - envira - 02-02-2011

see this i hope u get more info