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What do - Printable Version

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What do - Purple Drank - 12-12-2010

Hey SF people, even tho most of you are from HF. I'm going to take this opportunity to become active at SF and hopefully stay here. My user is the same on HF. I hope someone knows me Pinch See ya around.

RE: What do - BizzyX - 12-12-2010

Welcome to SupportForums, we have the same goals Smile

RE: What do - Resting Sonata - 12-12-2010

Yeah I've seen you around, especially your avatar lol.

Welcome to the site.

RE: What do - Wasiqkhan - 12-12-2010

I know you Big Grin
And yeah Im doing the same thing.

RE: What do - Cybr - 12-12-2010

I've seen you around the 'hood. Welcome.

RE: What do - Purple Drank - 12-12-2010

Thanks people, Glad i finally got some responses from people who've seen me ;D