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[Emergency] Need Essay 4 Language arts honors - Printable Version

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[Emergency] Need Essay 4 Language arts honors - Harpreet10 - 12-12-2010

This eassy was due Lik elast week having no time, i used some of my thinking + Some online crap
Got caught for plagiarism.
Since im a foreign student my teacher decide to give me another chance.
with 50% credit.
So i need an eassy
Book: Ender's Game Book 1
Topic: Is Ender Hero or a Villin

Need it before tommrow it will be nice if you guys help me out.
Please do not use online resource. cause o have already got warning.
Oh and the reason im asking you guys to do this is you guys rock + i have 2 projects to be dont with
1: World history roman News Paper
2: language Arts Iliad argument Questions + stuff
Anyone?? please

RE: [Emergency] Need Essay 4 Language arts honors - Harpreet10 - 12-12-2010
