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Screw The World. - Shock - 11-24-2010

Hey Guys.
Me and Extra used to pretty much manage this part of the forum and after I got unbanned from HF, I went back there.

Everything seems to be going wrong in life.

I recently got in a fight with my mom an got kicked out.
She said I was being a "dickhead" and she has taken my XBOX, it will be 4 months in a couple of weeks.
I told her I wanted it back and she said that, so I told her that I was going to be like that all the time if she wouldn't give it back and she started threatening me and I held my fist up to punch her and she started clawing me and trying to smack me in the face, so I pushed her off and she tripped and fell backwards, then she got up and stomped out of the room and slammed the door.
She told me to go somewhere else, so here I am at my grandma and grandpas and she has been diagnosed "Mentally Unstable" recently because she is 33 and having a midlife crysis.

My grades have been falling, eyesite worse, everything is just pretty much falling apart.
Nothing has been going right.
She tells me straight up that she doesn't trust me and all of this crap.

I don't even know what to do now, and I am 14.

Help me SF!


RE: F u c k The World. - Dogbert - 11-24-2010

I went through this same thing almost but I had a dad, not a mom.. The situation is a little different, but about the same.

I'm not sure what you want to hear, I think your mom is just like you said "mentally unstable", she is probably just sick and tired of being a mom and having constant pressure. If you want to keep her as a mother, I suggest you sack up and apologize, even if it isn't your fault.. Seriously, it's a life tip that will never get old. Women = always right.

If you're scared of her and/or would rather not get back into that place, explain your feelings to g-ma, they're usually cool like that. I bet she could even get your 360 back...

I'm 22 years old, I've been living on my own since I was 15.. I'd suggest you apologize. Pinch

Edit; Also, you're only 14 bro.. You'll always have ups and downs, this is just a major down. Before you know it, you'll be at another peak and loving life again. Just need to learn how to handle the downs like you do the ups.

RE: F u c k The World. - tomynho - 11-25-2010

You should apologize her. Sometimes it takes literally just a few words to make someone happier. Maybe you're mad at her, but she gave you your life and she loves you. Why not to return her the favor?

RE: Screw The World. - echo.phyber - 11-26-2010

Okay. That really sucks, but YOU must to fix that your own.
First what you want to do is to be really nice person. Help grandma as much as possible, do not be so sad, and stuff... Go to youtube and look at some funny videos, they are helping me to feel better... Also, start studying more, to get better grades. Then, talk to grandma, to talk with your mother, and to tell her that you are starting to be better, getting good grades, and that you are really helpful recently. Also, make sure you talk to grandma about what do you thing about your problem, that you are feeling bad, your life sucks at the moment, and stuff. Your mother may feel bad about you, she may say that she want to be again with you...
She may even give you xbox back...

RE: Screw The World. - C4Vendetta - 11-27-2010

You wanted to punch your mother?
Are you serious? I'd take every freakin think you have, and kick you out.

Whatever's going on, you're never supposed to hit your mom.
Certainly not if she's going trough a rough period.

RE: Screw The World. - Daniel Faraday - 11-27-2010

(11-27-2010, 04:04 AM)C4Vendetta Wrote: You wanted to punch your mother?
Are you serious? I'd take every freakin think you have, and kick you out.

Whatever's going on, you're never supposed to hit your mom.
Certainly not if she's going trough a rough period.

I agree with C4... There are exceptions where you could probably be okay with hitting a women, but never your mom. It may seem like a stupid moral to follow but still she's your mom. If she thinks your being a dick (and shes going through a midlife crisis) then you should change how you act around her. She's probably feeling unloved and rejected and acting "tough" because you feel like life is giving you the short end is only going to make it worse.

RE: Screw The World. - ThisIsAThrow - 11-27-2010

Go to a family member.

RE: Screw The World. - Zeon - 11-30-2010

I think you should try and avoid her while she is going through that fase. Get out of they way and come back when she is feeling better; sometimes people get better when they're left alone.

RE: Screw The World. - null_trace18 - 12-05-2010

Just keep your head up bro. For every dark night, there's a brighter day. crap will calm down and hopefully you'll be able to go back home.

RE: Screw The World. - Figaro - 12-05-2010

No matter how bad it is, it always gets better. Eventually, this will all go away.