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what's your fastest browser?? - Printable Version

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what's your fastest browser?? - awil - 10-12-2009

hey all FS what's your fastest browser that you've ever had..

mine is opera and firefox..

i think this two is the fastest browser that i've ever had..Thumbsup

RE: what's your fastest browser?? - Plkdrmmr - 10-12-2009

ive only used safari firefox and internet explorer

firefox was the faster and best
internet explorer was definately the worst possible excuse for an internet browser

RE: what's your fastest browser?? - Ajsec5000 - 10-12-2009

Firefox, Opera

RE: what's your fastest browser?? - AL3X - 10-12-2009

Firefox, and sometimes Opera at school. Haven't tried Safari, and Chrome was slow for me, but that was when it came out.

RE: what's your fastest browser?? - Alowishus - 10-12-2009

Safari is good at my school cus we have like a ton of macs. But I dread using IE, so imma have to say Firefox.

RE: what's your fastest browser?? - Skawke - 10-12-2009

Firefox, and for the record, it's SF, not FS

RE: what's your fastest browser?? - awil - 10-12-2009

haha..sorry..i didnt realized it..
have u all try chrome..i've try it and feel the same like using's too slow..

RE: what's your fastest browser?? - NY Jets - 10-12-2009

Firefox. Period.

RE: what's your fastest browser?? - Rawkfist - 10-13-2009

Chrome is alright, Safari for PC is fail, Firefox is pwn, IE is moar fail then Safari, and Opera is too bulky.

RE: what's your fastest browser?? - Tim - 10-13-2009

Chrome (I run a dev version of 3) is the fastest to render, Opera has the lowest ram usage, I have had Opera 9 running at like 8mb usage before (and people call it bulky..?)