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Should I get a Mac? - Thomas - 08-13-2010

I've been thinking of buying a Mac to help me with my web designing and GFX, but I wanted to just say the pros and cons out loud and get your opinions on it.

Great for Web Design

Few games for it (I may just switch to PS3 gaming though)

Any additions to my pro-con list or any other thoughts? Post them in a reply!

RE: Should I get a Mac? - Fragma - 08-13-2010

No. I have a Mac & a PC and can safely say that Macs are a total rip off..

Yes they look nice but why pay an extra £500 just for a pretty looking laptop?

I hate anything made by Apple with a passion. They just brainwash everyone.

RE: Should I get a Mac? - Thomas - 08-13-2010

(08-13-2010, 07:56 AM)Fragma Wrote: No. I have a Mac & a PC and can safely say that Macs are a total rip off..

Yes they look nice but why pay an extra £500 just for a pretty looking laptop?

I hate anything made by Apple with a passion. They just brainwash everyone.

So as a Mac and PC owner, would you say that there is any advantage to owning a Mac from a web design point of view?

RE: Should I get a Mac? - 420 - 08-13-2010

Definitely get a Mac, they are totally worth it. If you want to use Windows on it as well, you can just use boot camp. They are really great computers.

RE: Should I get a Mac? - ucrazii - 08-13-2010

No. Why?
If you want to stop gaming you can get a mac.

RE: Should I get a Mac? - Thomas - 08-13-2010

(08-13-2010, 08:49 AM)ucrazii Wrote: No. Why?
If you want to stop gaming you can get a mac.

I still have my consoles.