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What type of Gamer are you? - Printable Version

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RE: What type of Gamer are you? - Nemmyy - 03-25-2011

I'm a competitive gamer (yep, super nerd).
I was ranked 25th three times in CoD4 on Gamebattles for 360. Not as competitive anymore but still am.

RE: What type of Gamer are you? - Scalise - 03-25-2011

(03-25-2011, 12:41 PM)Nemmyy Wrote: I'm a competitive gamer (yep, super nerd).
I was ranked 25th three times in CoD4 on Gamebattles for 360. Not as competitive anymore but still am.


(he goes hard on league of legends everybody)

RE: What type of Gamer are you? - Nemmyy - 03-25-2011

(03-25-2011, 12:50 PM)Scalise Wrote: NERD

(he goes hard on league of legends everybody)

Hahaha, that's like the only game I don't care about at all

RE: What type of Gamer are you? - Shades - 03-25-2011

I am an FPS addict.

RE: What type of Gamer are you? - Jaxon - 03-25-2011

im more of a competitive mw2 player. i like to play all other games too, just mw2 is my fave Big Grin

RE: What type of Gamer are you? - RDCA - 03-25-2011

Well I am pretty single minded when it comes to gaming.
Xbox only with fps and a couple other little things.

RE: What type of Gamer are you? - Bullet Proof - 03-25-2011

I play any console I see except PC.
Ps3 and Xbox are my favorite.
I play most of the games.

RE: What type of Gamer are you? - Canon - 03-25-2011

I am an x-box gamer and a little bit of a pc gamer. Thats about it!

RE: What type of Gamer are you? - PhiLLy BR - 03-25-2011

It depends on the game sometimes I'm intense sometimes I'm pretty casual. But overall I get pretty competitive.

RE: What type of Gamer are you? - SeePlusPlus - 03-25-2011

1st person shooters and RS type games.