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What type of Gamer are you? - Printable Version

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RE: What type of Gamer are you? - mladen190 - 02-17-2011

hardcore,all tipe of games but not the boring ones :p

RE: What type of Gamer are you? - Levi - 03-24-2011

I'm a very cereal gamer.

RE: What type of Gamer are you? - Splodge0007 - 03-25-2011

Relaxed when playing with friends.

Rager when being raped soloing.

RE: What type of Gamer are you? - VeNoMz - 03-25-2011

I am a Hardcore gamer, when i play Halo 3 or Call of Duty i don't mess around.Nono

RE: What type of Gamer are you? - snixjhon - 03-25-2011

My score :
Seeker: 21
Daredevil: 15
Achiever: 13
Mastermind: 15
Conqueror: 9
Socialiser: 8
Survivor: 1

RE: What type of Gamer are you? - Fragma - 03-25-2011

Casual. I like pretty much all games, sports.. FPS.. Racing.. etc.. But I'm not a hardcore gamer at all. I probably game for about 2 hours total per week.

RE: What type of Gamer are you? - wtftwice - 03-25-2011

I'm a hardcore F2P MMO player during the summer but not during the school year as there's not enough time (or self control) to actually play an MMO. I also love rpgs, vent, and endgame content that require a vast amount of people to do such as bosses. I played Shaiya last summer.

RE: What type of Gamer are you? - panDa. - 03-25-2011

I was hardcore gamer since few months ago now I'm kinda casual gamer playing only for fun ^_^

RE: What type of Gamer are you? - Scalise - 03-25-2011

I'd say Xbox's underground suits me. I'll play when I want and take it seriously when I want. I like to cheat and make people mad. Not to mention swearing at people is a blast.

It's just a game, nerd getting all serious make me laugh.

RE: What type of Gamer are you? - AceInfinity - 03-25-2011

I'm only a gamer when it comes to games like F.E.A.R, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, etc... Silent Hill wasn't such a bad game either. COD gets repetitive.