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Worst game you've ever played - Printable Version

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RE: Worst game you've ever played - Irelandrulz2 - 04-06-2010

Probably world of war craft, it's so gay even gayer then runescape.

RE: Worst game you've ever played - aiir - 04-06-2010

RuneScape is by far the worlds crappiest game i have ever played, The quality is terrible not to mention how much it lags.

RE: Worst game you've ever played - BladeCNH - 05-24-2010

Well this one isnt that bad but its the worse I have played:BeachHead2002

RE: Worst game you've ever played - Hawkins - 05-24-2010

Never played WoW or RS so I would have to go with FIFA Soccer games.

RE: Worst game you've ever played - Genequil - 05-24-2010

I tried to make a game. It worked, but it was the worst game I've ever played Roflmao

RE: Worst game you've ever played - Marik™ - 05-24-2010

Worst game I ever played was, hmm.. Mame32!

RE: Worst game you've ever played - Emotion - 05-30-2010

Hi, Pins222.

The worst game I have played is Little Big Planet.

White Hat.

RE: Worst game you've ever played - eXosphere™ - 05-30-2010

Gaia, < Played for 2 minutes
Neopets < Didn't even play

RE: Worst game you've ever played - Opposite - 05-30-2010

I want to be the guy, it was fun but it was also the worst. It was extremely hard and bad, yet still entertaining.
It's kind of like how kids used to run into walls, it hurt, but they still did it.

RE: Worst game you've ever played - Buffy - 05-30-2010

Resident Evil 5. I just did not like it because it didn't seem to fit with the other--well, it fit, but did not make me feel at home.