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Highest Killstreaks? - Printable Version

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RE: Highest Killstreaks? - Delicious - 04-05-2011

(04-05-2011, 10:33 AM)masterfan Wrote: Mine is 37-40 ,pretty easy when u play with noobs lol

Wow I don't even know how you can manage to get such a high kill streak. What game was it? Was it one of the CoDs?

RE: Highest Killstreaks? - Unreal - 04-05-2011

ive gotten 64 kills without a death in cod blackops then i got killed by napalm

RE: Highest Killstreaks? - Fresh Prince - 04-05-2011

I've made over 40 legit in MW2.

RE: Highest Killstreaks? - Jin - 04-06-2011

On modern warfare 2 (Without boosting) I got 32 kills and then I get fudged up by harrier strike.

RE: Highest Killstreaks? - panDa. - 04-07-2011

Bang I gotta brag now I scored 49 kill streak in Modern Warfare 2 Map: Invasion. Smile

RE: Highest Killstreaks? - Untouch - 04-08-2011

Just got a new highest KillStreak in a S&D. Got 19 without dying before I got team killed. Ended up with 24 - 1.

RE: Highest Killstreaks? - Fragma - 04-08-2011

I can't get past 11 lol. Impossible task...

RE: Highest Killstreaks? - Brandenx781 - 04-09-2011

32 on Black Ops.
Spectre all day Big Grin

RE: Highest Killstreaks? - Sunshine State - 04-09-2011

Black ops is 32.
MW2 is like 75
I was beasting that game
Cod 4
Was like 54

RE: Highest Killstreaks? - John* - 04-09-2011

Call of duty 4 : 31 killstreak.
Modern Warfare 2 : 45 Killstreak.
Black Ops : 32 Killstreak.

I know that i am not good, but i am trying to be good.