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RE: Who's The Real Terrorists? - DAMINK™ - 01-01-2012

Saddam only had those weapons because the US gave them to him.
And he had got rid of them before then. During the first dust up actually.
This later become fact when they invaded and could not find anything.
Nato was apposed to the invasion as were most nations but the fact tensions were high given the Afghan war then jumped on the opportunity. Well prob more accurately it was orchestrated from the beginning.
Watch the videos posted. Donald clearly says Iraq has NO weapons of mass destruction.

RE: Who's The Real Terrorists? - DAMINK™ - 01-02-2012

Ironic this thread.
What do we have happening right now?
Iran and the US about to start war games.
Perhaps even the start of WWIII? After all China and Russia would be on Irans side.
Couple videos worth watching about this topic.



But this one i really found interesting.


RE: Who's The Real Terrorists? - BreShiE - 01-02-2012

If the UK gets involved and backs the US as we usually do, I will be so pissed off. I'm glad I don't live in the US, but our government can be just the same sometimes. Thank god 'all of the nuclear war heads were destroyed'! (we all know how much full off crap that is).

RE: Who's The Real Terrorists? - Fragma - 01-02-2012

Just thought I'd pop in and say I 100% agree with everything BreShiE and Damink have said.

That is all.

RE: Who's The Real Terrorists? - Thomas - 01-02-2012

(01-02-2012, 06:52 AM)BreShiE Wrote: If the UK gets involved and backs the US as we usually do, I will be so pissed off. I'm glad I don't live in the US, but our government can be just the same sometimes. Thank god 'all of the nuclear war heads were destroyed'! (we all know how much full off crap that is).

I hate my government. The fact that everyone's tax dollars goes to the killing of innocent civilians angers me. I agree with everything you guys have said.

RE: Who's The Real Terrorists? - King - 01-02-2012

I can't wait to tour Iran in October for 3 weeks...

RE: Who's The Real Terrorists? - DAMINK™ - 01-02-2012

(01-02-2012, 08:36 AM)Thomas Wrote: I hate my government. The fact that everyone's tax dollars goes to the killing of innocent civilians angers me. I agree with everything you guys have said.

Funny thing is they are not spending your Tax dollars. There spending money loaned from other countries.
The Afgan war was completely paid for by loans.
Sure at some point the tax payer will have to foot the bill but that is further down the road.
Shame on the US Government.

(01-02-2012, 05:19 PM)King Wrote: I can't wait to tour Iran in October for 3 weeks...

Holy s hit! Good luck with that mate. I could not think of a place i would want to go to less.
Perhaps North Korea but thats about the only place.

RE: Who's The Real Terrorists? - BreShiE - 01-02-2012

I would like to visit Palestine, their community seems really warm and just so happy even after everything they've been through.

RE: Who's The Real Terrorists? - Omniscient - 01-02-2012

This is not an appropriate thread for this site.