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RE: Advertising? - Idiot #1 - 11-22-2009

(11-22-2009, 04:12 PM)GhoSt Wrote: Do
E-mail Blast
Private Message
Then make a Sticky Announcement
email blast= annoying and probably a deterrent.
Pm blast=good idea. did this before bit like Omni said we are more developed.
Sticky=this has already been done.

The referral contest sounds like a good idea too.

RE: Advertising? - UID=0 - 11-22-2009

(11-19-2009, 11:58 AM)Omniscient Wrote: ......but I'd like to see us rank higher for more keywords......

Is there anything that we can do to help with that?

I'm not sure about how this works.

RE: Advertising? - RPicard - 11-24-2009

I really don't think that emails are annoying. It's not like each person gets mass amounts of email lol.

RE: Advertising? - WeeZy - 11-24-2009

I wouldn't mind one email. Just don't spam it a load.

RE: Advertising? - Gone - 11-28-2009

I would start affilating banner ads. I don't think PM blasts will do much good. The best of HF is already here. :/

RE: Advertising? - Omniscient - 11-29-2009

One thing to note is that HF gets 350 new members per day. So in the 7 weeks we have added about 15,000 new members.

RE: Advertising? - Grizzly - 11-29-2009

Yeah, a PM blast would be fine. Because, as you've said, HF gets a ton of new members daily. And 15k perspective new members is better than not doing anything about it at all and not getting any.

RE: Advertising? - yuenowo - 11-29-2009

Hey just a thought. I say that no matter how anoyying it is or how many un useful members we get in I started as a hackforums jerk and im starting to like the clean bright feeling. We have an influential population that spreads fast. I say you do everyones ideas and if some people dont like it then so be it its only takes fifteen seconds to delete an amail or private message. Also I know this is unprbable but you could make an advertisement and have a donation thing on the website for people to donate to go to the advertising fund.

RE: Advertising? - Gone - 11-29-2009

(11-29-2009, 01:36 AM)Omniscient Wrote: One thing to note is that HF gets 350 new members per day. So in the 7 weeks we have added about 15,000 new members.

Didn't take that into account. How many stay long enough to check there pms now though?

RE: Advertising? - PaNiK - 11-29-2009

Most people just sign up to get one thing they want, then are inactive.